Colored bandaids {Revised Version}

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After the whole situation of defeating Sendak (Y/n) and team Voltron could finally rest; (Y/n) should have known that Sendak would attack Earth, she was just glad that Keith killed him. The paladins were helping to repair the damage that the Fire of Purification caused during their absence and everyone finally got to see their families again, and everyone enjoyed catching up with their loved ones once they didn't have to dave the universe for a while. Thace, (Y/n's) boyfriend, ended up living with her in her new home since they planned on eventually getting married and he didn't have anywhere else to go. (Y/n) was surprised at how quickly he seemed to adapt to life on Earth; there were a few things he still hadn't gotten used to, although with each day that passed he adjusted to his new life. One cold winter day in particular (Y/n) went out to visit a friend of hers while Thace stayed at home, he promised to take care of everything during her absence.

Shortly after (Y/n) left Thace wondered what some of the things in her house were used for; they'd only been living there for about a month, so there were things he was still curious about. (Y/n) had already explained what cleaning products, utensils and a bunch of other things were used for and how they worked, but there were other things he didn't quite understand. There were still so many things he had questions about, although he didn't want to annoy his significant other by asking her too many questions. Thace wandered into the bathroom and immediately started going through the cupboards, curious as to what he might find. As expected, he found the usual toilet paper, pads/tampons, extra soap and various other items humans used.

"What are these for?" Thace asked himself when he found a box of colored bandaids; galra didn't have adhesive bandaids like humans did, so naturally he didn't quite know what they were.

Since he was still learning how to read in (Y/n's) language he wasn't able to read what some of the words on the box said; speaking in her language was one thing, but reading in it was a little harder. Curiously, Thace opened the box, pulled out a pink bandaid and turned it over in his large fingers, examining it thoroughly. He saw the two tabs on the back and peeled them off, noting that the underside was sticky and there was a little white padding in the middle. Thace thought that it was some kind of sticker and smiled widely, happy about his discovery. Ever since (Y/n) showed him what stickers were he liked them despite being fully grown, he thought the temporary decorations were pretty and they quickly became a guilty pleasure of his.

He decided to stick the bandaid on the bridge of his nose, then he walked over to the sink so he could see himself in the mirror. Thace smiled to himself as he looked at his reflection; he thought the pink bandaid looked good on his face and the adhesive part didn't seem too strong, so he would be able to easily remove the bandaids later when he was done wearing them. One by one he pulled more bandaids out of the box, removed the tabs and stuck them to himself; he made sure to throw all the tabs away in the trash can since he didn't want to make a mess. When Thace had several bandaids on his face, arms and fingers he decided that he was done and decided to put the box back where he found it. After he put the bandaids away he went to go make himself some hot chocolate; he was already warm because of his thicker fur, but he loved the taste of the warm winter beverage.


(Y/n) shivered as she unlocked the front door to her house/apartment, carefully turning the key until she heard a quiet click; it was winter and it was very cold outside, as soon as she turned the doorknob and opened the front door she felt the warmth of her home. After she closed the door, took her shoes, gloves and coat off and put them away along with her keys she went to the living room where she could relax. When (Y/n) saw Thace sitting on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate she noticed that he had some of her colored bandaids on his face, arms and fingers. It was only natural for her to be bewildered by the unexpected sight, anyone would be if they saw their significant other wearing so many bandaids. (Y/n) wasn't sure how to respond at first, all she could do was stand there and stare at her possibly injured lover.

"(Y/n), you're finally home. I was getting worried about you." Thace said as he put his mug of hot chocolate down on a coaster when he noticed that his girlfriend had come home.

"Thace, why do you have bandaids all over you?" (Y/n) asked Thace with concern when she walked over to the couch so she could sit down next to him.

"Band-aids? I thought that they were stickers…" Thace responded in confusion when he tilted his head slightly to the right.

"No, they're called bandaids. They're used to put over small cuts or scrapes so that they won't get infected." (Y/n) informed him, knowing that he didn't know any better since he'd only seen her wear a regular bandaid once before, and even then the subject of what it was never came up.

"Oh, I didn't know… I'm sorry." Thace apologized guiltily, feeling bad for not knowing the difference between stickers and bandaids.

"It's fine, I know that you didn't know. You look pretty cute and colorful, though." (Y/n) assured him with a smile prior to hugging him; she really did think he looked cute with the colorful bandaids stuck to him, although it was the situation that she thought was adorable.

Thace smiled as he wrapped his arms around (Y/n), relieved that she didn't think he was weird for making such a simple mistake; to be fair, though, bandaids and stickers were really similar. He started purring after she slid up onto his lap and nuzzled the underside of his jaw in a way that made him shudder with excitement. (Y/n) was able to hug Thace a little tighter while she sat on his lap, loving how warm he felt whilst he hugged her. Coming home after being out in the cold winter weather and snuggling with Thace was something she loved and would never take for granted, the way he deeply purred let her know that he loved snuggling with her, too. Thace would eventually get around to making dinner for him and his adorable lover to eat together, although for the time being they were perfectly happy sitting on the couch together.

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