{28} Closure

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[m/n] had been barely able to sleep for the past three days, unless you count the moments when he would blink for more than a few seconds. He hadn't left his room and only ate when Dabi had to force food down his throat.

He heard a small knock on the door and didn't bother to acknowledge it, a few seconds passed before the door creaked open and he heard tiny footsteps enter the room that could only belong to Eri.


He kept his back facing Eri, he didn't want her to see him like this, he didn't want anyone to see him like this. So broken and pathetic.

"Toga-san is taking me to watch another movie... you should come with us"

[m/n] wanted to have fun with them, he really did, but he just couldn't bring himself to even pretend to be having fun

"You guys go on without me." His voice raspy from not using it for so long.

"Do you... want anything?"

"I'm ok... thanks Eri..."

"Mmh... ok" the little girl nodded and left the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Nothing?" Toga asked when Eri left the room. She shook her head much to Toga's disappointment.

[m/n] had remained like that for pretty much the whole day and it wasn't until around midnight that he heard someone barge into his room.


"Not now Shigaraki"

"You're dad is looking for you."

This must have gotten [m/n]'s attention before he visibly flinched and slowly sat up from his bed. The feeling of dread and immense sadness now mixing with past anger.


"Get out here" Shigaraki left the room and joined the others in the living room, it didn't take long for [m/n] to come out of the room for the first time in days that wasn't to use the bathroom.

"You look like hell" Dabi couldn't help but comment. [m/n]'s hair was an absolute mess, his clothes rumpled belong belief, crust in the corners of his mouth and eyes, and his eye bags had eye bags.

"What do you mean my dad is looking for me?"

"Word is going around that a man around his 40's is looking for a '[l/n] [m/n]' and claims to be your father." Spinner explained

"So the old man hasn't kicked the bucket yet" [m/n] scoffed. "Why now does he chose to crawl out of the pits of hell to come looking for me? As if he hasn't done enough." He clenched his fist

"What do you want to do?" Shigaraki asked. [m/n] took a few moments to think about how he was feeling about this

"Can't say I'm not curious why he's suddenly looking for me" [m/n] scoffed "but I don't have a father, I never did..."

"I can find out why he's looking for you" Spinner said "and you can decide after that. Your choice."

[m/n] took another couple of moments to think about Spinners offer. Maybe his dad wanted to apologise... not that he cared for that. He thought back to when Bakugou had been rescued by the pros and later by his classmates.

He doesn't know why he was suddenly remember that, maybe part of him wanted that too. That reassurance that he was going to be ok. And now that he was in his most vulnerable state... he was craving that feeling even more.

"Ok" [m/n] nodded

"In the mean time" Toga jumped in "[m/n]-kun you should join us for another movie tomorrow! Eri-chan's gotten better at sneaking in!"

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