{33} The Paranormal Liberation Front

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"Every one of them is strong!" Spinner exclaimed as he dodged an attack from one of the citizens

"Been a while since I could go all out" [m/n] smirked as he stabbed one of the people then activated his quirk to make their body implode on itself. The blood splatter across his face and over the sinister smirk on his lips.

It didn't take long before [m/n] got separated from the rest of the league, they had chased him and forced him into a corner.

"It never ends does it" [m/n] panted as he pulled out his dagger from his 20th or something victim, the mans body dropped to the ground by his feet.

"[l/n] [m/n]" a man hummed, throughout [m/n]'s fight with the civilians he had said and done nothing, he simply stood and watched. "Aren't you a little young to be here?"

It's been about 10 minutes since [m/n] got separated from everyone, 20 since they started they started the fight.

Okamoto and the others will be here in about 10 minutes, but who knows how long before they find me... I'm on my own

"Aren't you a little old to still be alive" [m/n] spat, he used a person's body as a shield from three attackers then took them out in one move "hurry up and drop dead" [m/n] charged at him but the man didn't move, he stood still with a smirk on his lip that made [m/n] want to slice open his face.

Before [m/n] could reach the man he was stopped by another civilian, he arms turned into a massive rock and was throw back in preparation for a deadly blow. Thankfully, [m/n] was able to slid between his legs, he tried to slice the man's achilles heel but instead his leg was hardened into a rock.

"Shit" [m/n] jumped up but was knocked down by another person, a different body kicked his torso and a small explosion was set off against his body. Someone else, or many the same person, grabbed him by his shirt and flung him against the wall. The impact knocking all the air out of his lungs. "F-fuck" he groaned as he struggled to stand up, only managing to get unto his hands and knees.

He was never good at fighting against multiple people, his quirk wasn't good for that. He had already overused his quirk, anymore and he'll lose consciousness. Now here he was struggling against a group of citizens, it made him feel pathetic.

If it was Bakugou, he would've been fi—

[m/n] gritted his teeth

What the hell am I thinking!?

"You have an interesting story" the mans feet appeared in front oh [m/n], he squat down to be more on [m/n]'s eye level then roughly grabbed the boy's cheeks and forced him to look up into his eyes. "I would love to hear more about it"

"Get you hands off me psycho" [m/n] growled

"Psycho? That's rich coming from you little boy."

[m/n] lounged forward with a tight grip on his dagger but the man was able to easily avoid [m/n], he grabbed his arm and yanked [m/n] forward to knee him in his gut. Then shoved the boy to the ground and stood above him.

The boy kicked the man right between his legs causing him to stumble back and let out a pain filled wheeze


"Fucking brat"

One of the citizens jumped on top of [m/n], about to attack, but [m/n] flipped them over and stabbed him in the neck. At the same time three others pounced at him but he able to touch the victims wounds and jumped out of the way in time.

He completely drained the blood out of the citizen's body, he formed dozens of arrows around himself and solidified them. His eyes were filled with bloodlust as he sent them to impale all the citizens around him.

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