Special Chapter 4 |AU|

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"Alright everyone listen up, I have an announcement this morning" their homeroom teacher clapped his hands together to make the students quiet down. "The cultural festival is coming up in a couple weeks"

Yay... a cultural festival [m/n] sighed, a couple of his core memories are from school cultural festival, whether they were good or bad, you do the math...

"A cultural festival?"

"U.A. does stuff like that too?"

"Finally, something not catered to the hero course"

"How exciting!"

"The cultural festival is for you guys, along with the business course, support course, and others, your chance to shine. Just like how the sports festival was a time for the hero course to shine." Snipe said "And take this as a chance to relieve some stress and have fun. Oh, and this time it will just be for the school, so unfortunately no other schools will be allowed to join. Now, you need to decide what you're gonna do by the end of today. Class reps, you're up"

"Okay!" The class rep and vice rep—Somi and Akari—stood up and went to stand in the front "Alright let's get some ideas down on the board and vote on it. That's the most efficient way"

For the next couple minutes people were saying all their ideas out loud, a play, fortune telling stall, food stall, obstacle course, cafe, game show, and many more. After eliminating some idea that were just outright outrageous and impossible the students voted on the idea they liked the most.

Of course maid cafe was one of the options

And of course that one got the most votes

"Alright, maid cafe it is..." Somi circled that. A few of the boys started high diving each other

"What are you guys so excited about?" One of the girl narrowed her eyes at them

"Nothing, nothing! We're just admires of the maid cafe culture and are excited to bring its rich history to life"

"Is that so? Well then, if you're so into it maybe we should have the boys be maids"

Eh... how did it turn out like this [m/n]'s eyes widened

"I agree!"


"Whoa, let's not jump horses here—"

"That can't be the correct saying" someone mumbled in the back

"—no one wants to see a bunch of guys in dresses"

"I would" Akari said and bunch of the other girls agreed with her

"How about this" Somi spoke "We write down roles on a piece of paper and pick, then it would be fair"

Most of the boys were still unhappy with it, but they could do anything other than hope they were lucky.

"Everyone will help with decoration and clean up of course, so the roles are spilt between the maids and cooks" Somi began walking around the class room with the pencil case full of little paper slips. As she got closer and closer to [m/n] he felt his anxiety bubble over.

Just because he had a maid dress of his own—don't ask—and liked to dress up does not mean he's ok doing it in public. Quite the opposite actually, he's much rather wipe his ass with sand paper.

Alright, [m/n], let's try the optimism thing for once, there's a 50/50 chance I get...

His eyes twitched as he stared at the 'MAID' on the piece of paper.

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