The Isle Of The Lost🍎

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As they finished dancing and singing, a lady pulling a little boy in a wagon walks by. The little boy has a lollipop, Mal takes it and licks it then holds  it up and everyone starts laughing until maleficent walks towards them with her henchmen called the "knuckleheads" and everyone but the four scatter.

"Hi mom" Mal says as she turns around with a smile on her face. Mal's mother came up from behind the guys she was behind. "Stealing candy Mal, I'm so disappointed." Maleficent told her with her high pitched voice that could hurt anyones ears if they heard it. "It's from a baby." Mal said giving her the lollipop with a smile. "Ah! That's my nasty little girl!" Maleficent told Mal while taking the lollipop. Maleficent then spit on it and put it under her armpit. She then gave it to her henchmen and told them to give it back to the "dreadful creature".

"Mom..." Mal sighed upset her mother gave the lollipop back to the child. "It's the deets Mal, that make the difference between mean and truly evil." Mal just looked at her, "when I was your age, I was cursing entire kingdoms." She and Mal  had said it at the same time. It's something that she heard over and over again. "You" Maleficent faked laughed. "Walk with me." Maleficent told her taking her a little bit away from her friends. "I'm just trying to teach you the thing that really counts... how to be me."

Mal replies to her mother "I know that, and I'll do better." Mal reassured her mother. But not quite sure if her mother believes her. "Oh! There's news! You four have been chosen to go to a different school... in auaradon!" Maleficent told the four teens. Evie, Jay, and Carlos tried to run away, but her henchmen stopped them. Once they quit struggling Mal turned to face her mother. "What!? I'm am not going to a boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princess."

Evie walks up next to mal "and perfect princess!" Mal gave her a look "ugh!" She as she let out a fake disgusted noise. "Yeah and I don't do uniforms... unless it's leather, you feel me? Jay asked and turned towards Carlos for a high five. Carlos ignored it and walked up behind Mal. "I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom said they're rabid packed animals who eat boys who don't behave." Jay then snuck up behind him and let out a bark as revenge for leaving him hanging from her high five.

"Yeah mom we aren't going" Mal told her mother. "Oh your thinking small pumpkin!" Maleficent told her "it's all about world domination!" She then yelled knuckleheads turned around and started to leave. She then turned as said "Mal" she said in a sing song voice then the four villain kids followed.

" you will go, you will find the fairy godmothers wand and you will bring it back. Easy peasy!" Maleficent told Mal with the rest of the villain kids  behind her.

"What's in it for us?" Mal asked her mother who just looked at her with a small smile and got up. "Matching thrones, hers and hers crowns" Maleficent replied. "I'm I think she meant us" Carlos states pointing a finger to the rest of the villain kids. Maleficent ignores him and says. "It's all about you and me baby. " she told Mal "do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?" Mal  looked at her and said "well yeah, I mean... who doesn't?"

"Well then get me that wand and you and I can see all that and so much more and with that wand and my scepter, I will be able to bond both good and evil to my will!" She shouted the last part or her speech.

"Our will" Evil Queen corrected Maleficent. "Our will, our will" Maleficent said. "If I do say so myself" as she corrected herself. She then snapped her fingers and turned back to Mal. "And if you refuse you're grounded for the rest of your lives missy."

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