Chapter 2: Why?

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I woke up to a bright light burning into my eyes, the smell of medicine and disinfectant, and the color white. It took me a minute to remember what happened before I passed out and when I did I quickly sat up but then a pounding headache formed. "Oww." I said, grabbing my head.

"Oh you're awake!" said a man in the room. I looked around for him and saw it was a doctor.

"Where am I? Where's my mom and dad!? Are they okay? Why am I here? Am I okay? Who are you? Wha-" I was about to ask a million more questions before he interrupted me.

"You're in the hospital. You dads here too. Your dad's fine. You're here because you passed out for quirk overuse. You are 100% fine. I am doctor **** (too lazy to make up a name.)

" he answered all my questions but it was a bit weird that he just said my dad. "What's wrong with my mom?" I asked and when I did I saw his face fall.

"I'm going to let your dad know you're awake." he said quickly changing subjects, then he walked out the door. Not even 5 minutes later did my dad come rushing into the room and give me a bar hug. "I am so glad you're awake pumpkin!" he exclaimed.

"I'm glad too. But where's mom?" I asked and again it happened when I brought up mom.

"You're mother is in a better place now." he said sadly and because I wasn't a dumb kid I knew what that meant. "M-m-moms d-d-dead?" I asked holding back tears waiting for this all to be some dumb joke, and mom to come running into the room saying "got you!". But all that happened was my dad slowly nodding his head.

" It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault.It's all my fault.It's all my fault.It's all my fault.It's all my fault.It's all my fault.¨ I said over and over again cause it really was my fault if I hadn freaked out and lost control of my quirk this never would have happened.

" No no honey it's not your fault you were scared and confused of what was happening. She would have never wanted you to blame yourself." my dad said, rubbing my back. I burst into tears.

"Why did she have *sob* to die?" I asked between my sobs.

"I don't know why I really don't," he said sadly.

"C-Can w-we go *sniff* home?" I asked not wanting to spend another minute in the hospital. "Of course." my dad said. The doctor did a check up on me and then we went back home. It's been a few weeks since we had a funeral for mom. Dad started drinking a bit but not to the point where he was drunk (Yet) I've been trying to contact my brother keigo. No luck there. It was 3 days before I went back to school because I got a break because of my mom. I was excited because this is my first time going to school. When I woke up today I noticed something weird: the smell of alcohol. "D-dad are you home?" I asked as I walked down the stairs.

"DON'T CALL ME DAD BRAT!" My dad yelled at me. He never yells.

"Dad you're drunk.''I told him but then he hit me on the cheek.

"I Told you not to call me dad! You don't deserve to! You Killed her!" He yelled at me and I kne he didn't mean it and he was just drunk. But it still hurts. I ran up to my room and curled up in a ball on my bed and cried myself to sleep.

(time skip brought to you by a sad bean)

I got my backpack ready and I put a bandage over my cheek 'cause of the bruise forming from when my dad hit me. I walked to school because it wasn't that far away. When I got to school I ran right into my bff "IZU-KUN!" I said as I recognized that familiar moop of green hair. "Lilly-chan how are you?" he asked.

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