Chapter 4 ~ Edited

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The Mistake I'll Never Regret
Chapter 4
Jac's pov

~~~2 weeks later~~~

2 weeks after the little thing that happened with Dylan and I have passed. We haven't seen nor spoken to each other since he came into my bedroom. Even when i visited Belinda, I never saw him or spoke to him..mainly because he wasn't home or he was hiding. Did he run as soon as he knew i was coming, or what? I lost my track of thoughts when i had the urge to throw up again. Luckily my head was already in the toilet bowl.
"Jac darling are you okay?" I heard my mother ask.
"Yeah I'm fine, just got a bug" I replied back flushing the toilet. I got up off the ground and rinsed my mouth out before brushing my teeth. i walked slowly back to bed and crawled in. I've never felt so good to be back into bed since I've been on the floor in the bathroom all night due to throwing up every hour or so.
I laid in bed and thought of all the possible reasons why i could be throwing up. I've eaten everything my family has these past couple days and they seem perfectly fine. So its not food poisoning, There's no bug going around that i know of. So its probably not that either. Then it hit me. My jaw dropped as the thought of me being pregnant sprayed into mind.
I grabbed my phone and texted Dylan

Need you at my house ASAP - Jac

Why? What's wrong? - Dylan

Just come to mine. Please, i'll explain then - Jac

20 minutes later a small knock came from my bedroom window. I crawled out of bed and opened it.
"Is everything alright? What happened?" Dylan asked worriedly as soon as i opened the window.
"I think I'm pregnant" I whispered looking at the ground. a few tears left my eyes and dropped onto the carpet beneath me. I looked up at Dylan his mouth wide open. A few minutes went past and no one spoke.
"Well are you gonna say something?" I asked breaking the silence.
"Have you taken any pregnancy test?" He asked.
"No" I mumble. Dylan let out a sigh & took a seat next to me on my bed. He ran his hand through his messy hair.
"What are we gonna do Dylan?" I asked lifting my legs up to my chin.
"You're gonna take a test & whatever happens from then on we'll work it out together" he replied. I nodded. A few minutes passed by when Dylan got off my bed & walked towards my window. "Where are you going?"
"To get you some pregnancy test, I'll be back soon" Dylan jumped out my window & walked across the lawn towards the shops that was only a few streets away.
I sat quietly on bed fiddling with my fingers. The agony was painful. I grabbed my phone and checked my message from Bel.

Hey is everything alright? Didn't see you at school this morning x - Bel.

Hey, yeah fine just got a stomach bug. Should be back on my feet by the end of the week. x - Jac. A minute passed by when my phone vibrated again.

Oh no good. I'll drop by after school and see how you are then x - Bel. Before i could reply I heard a knock at the window.

Climbing off my bed I saw Dylan standing there. I opened the window letting him in.
"Did you get them?" I asked. He nodded reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a box of pregnancy sticks. I grabbed the box off him and started walking to the bathroom. I quickly glanced at the clock on the wall "12:40pm" before closing the door.

Belinda's pov

I grabbed my stuff out of my locker and started my walk towards the bus stop outside of school. 5 or so minutes later the bus arrived taking me the way towards Jac's.
I checked the time on my phone. "12:30pm". Putting my bag on my back, I hopped off the bus and walked the rest to Jac's. A few minutes later I was standing at the front door, unlocking it with a spare key they hide.
"Jac im home" i yelled putting my stuff on the kitchen table. "Jac" I yelled again. But no reply. I raced up stairs and down the hall towards Jac's room, when I heard talking.
"So are you?" I heard a familiar voice ask.
"I don't know. They haven't come through yet" I heard Jac reply. I stood outside the door peering through the little crack. I saw Jac sitting on her bed with her legs crossed, fiddling with her fingers. Beside her was Dylan. Wait what?
Why was Dylan beside her? Why was Dylan even at Jac's? He never came. Only if we were invited for tea. But even then he rarely came. I continued listening to there conversation.
"What do they say?" Dylan asked again.
"1 negative, 2 positive" Jac replied.
"Which means?"
"I-I'm pregnant"
I moved away from the door. My jaw fell to the ground. Anger spread through my body.

Dylan's pov

"Which means?" I asked looking at Jac.
"I-I'm pregnant" she replies a tear leaving her eyes.
"Jac, I'm so sorry, I never meant for it to happen" I cried.
"Save it Dylan" she mumbled wiping her eyes. Suddenly the door was pushed open and an angry, upset looking Bel walked in.
"Bel-linda how much did you hear?" Jac chocked.
"All of it, I can't believe you Jac. I can't you done it with my own brother and didn't say anything to me. I can't believe you" Bel cried.
"Bel this isn't her fault" I butted in getting a bit defensive.
"I'm sorry Bel. Please let me explain" Jac pleaded.
"Just stop. Out of all people you had to do it with Dylan & end up pregnant. Out of all people. And that's not even the worse part. You lied to me, you told me it was just a bug and that you'll be fine, and then I find out this way that you're pregnant" Belinda cried falling to the fall. "You lied to me." Everyone sat in silence for a while, when we heard the front door open and close.
"Jac hunny I'm home. I brought you some soup" we heard Jac's mother yell from down stairs. Shit.
"What are we gonna tell her?" I asked.
"We'll just tell her the truth" Jac shrugged.
"The truth?" I gulped.
"Yes the truth. I can't exactly lie to her. She's going to notice my stomach getting bigger and bigger each day" she says.
"Or you can always get an abortion & not worry about you stomach getting bigger and bigger" Bel mumbled.
"I'm not getting an abortion" Jac grumbles.
"Why? It'd save you a lot of trouble" Belinda said anger in her eyes.
"Bel, stop it. It's not up to you what Jac does" I growled.
"Erk, I can't believe you two. I'm going home. Have fun telling you parents about the baby. I'm sure they'll be thrilled to know there 16 year old is pregnant with a 19 year old's baby" Belinda grumbled sarcastically before making her way down stairs. I heard some talking then the front door being opened then closed.
"Let's go get this over and done with" Jac sighs.

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