Chapter 7 ~ Edited

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The Mistake I'll Never Regret
Chapter 7
Jac's pov 

Once we arrived back to my house, we told my mum what had happened earlier. About what his mum said & how rude Belinda was towards not just me but Dylan too. 
"I always thought your mum would be so supportive of it" mum frowned. "Anyways, since you have know where to stay, you can stay here" Mum smiled. My jaw dropped a little. I would of never thought mum would offer Dylan to stay here, especially after what he did to me.
"Wait really? Aren't you mad?" I asked shocked. 
"Yes really, im not extremely happy about this whole situation, but I can't change what's happened, and I did say I would support not only you but Dylan, so as a show of my support, Dylan can stay here & help you as well as me" Mum smiled again. I got up off the chair and hugged my mum. 
"Thank you thank you thank you" I pleaded happily. 
"Thank you so much Mrs.Reed" Dylan smiled.  
"Its the least I can do" mum smiles back. "and please call me Sue" 
"Thank you Sue" Dylan gets off his chair, quickly hugging my mum.  
"have you spoken to dad yet?" I asked, Dylan taking a seat next to me again. 
"I did" mum paused. "he was furious, he wanted to kill Dylan, but I spoke to him & explained, and as much as he wants Dylan dead, he will support you, the baby & Dylan" mum continued.  
"It's a lot better than what I would've expected" I half smile. Mum half smiles back. I stood up from my chair and walked up stairs, Dylan following me. As we enter my room he grabs my hand turning me around to face him. 
His sparkling blue eyes searching every inch of my face. What was he doing?

Dylan's pov

Once we entered Jac's room I grabbed her hand making her face me. I looked into her eyes. Her pale green eyes. I saw happiness but also sadness. 
I than continued searching her face. Every inch of it was perfect. Her nose, was small but adorable. Her blonde hair tied up in a messy bun.
Her lips, so pink and plump. I bit my bottom lip, stopping the urge of kissing her right there and then. 
Even her birth marker above her right eyebrow was cute. Jac was breath taking. I looked back into her eyes. 
"Ever since you & Belinda have been friends, I've never noticed how beautiful you are, until these past few days" I spoke loud enough for her to hear. 
She looked down at the floor, huge smile across her face and her cheeks bright red. 
She looked back up, placing her hands on my shoulders, she pushed herself up on her tippy toes, giving me a soft, gentle kiss on the cheek. I smiled before returning the kiss on her cheek.

Jac's pov

Dylan kissed me on the cheek & I could feel my cheeks turn red again. I dropped back down on my feet & jumped onto my bed hiding my face in my pillows.
I felt the bed sink down beside me & strong arms heave me from my bed. I let out a giggle. 
"Dylan what are you doing?" I laugh. He chuckled laying down on my bed, me still in his arms. 
"Sleeping" he response shutting his eyes. I giggle again kissing his jaw line and snuggling into his chest. After a few minutes I fell asleep to the sound of Dylan snoring. 

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