Epilogue ~ Edited

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The Mistake I'll Never Regret
Chapter 14
Dylan's pov

It's been 3 years now since Jac's passing. It's been a difficult 3 years, but Sarah & I are getting there slowly. We go see Jac, every weekend. Giving her fresh flowers & a new small teddy Sarah picks out.
Sarah has cried for Jac before, and when she does, I play the videos Jac made. It seems to quite her down & even puts her to sleep.
My parents still want nothing to do with me, mainly because I got Belinda locked up.
Luckily Jac's parents visit 2-3 times a week, checking up on Sarah & I, making sure we have food & our bills are paid.
"Daddy, Dadddy" Sarah squeals, running up to me. I pick her up, her feet dangling in mid air.
"Yes princess? " I ask, placing her on my hip.
"I'm wungry" she replies.
"You're what?" Pretending to not understand.
"Wungry" she squeals.
"Wungry" I gently throw her on the bed, blowing raspberries on her stomach. She giggles & wiggles away from my grasp.
She jumps off the bed & runs down the hall way, giggling. "Hey come back here" I yell running after her.
I stand in the lounge room, looking around.
"Sarah, where are you?" I call looking around the room. I hear a giggle coming from the curtains. I smile & walk over towards the curtains. "I wonder where Sarah could be" She giggles again.
I move the curtain & there stands Sarah.
"Found you" I shout excitedly picking her up. She giggles loudly, clapping her hands together. I smile. "Can daddy have a kiss?"
She looks at me with her one blue eye & one green eye, before giving me a big sloppy kiss. "Thank you princess" I smile. I put her down & watch her run to her dolls on the lounge room table.
I turn to the kitchen & pull out two slices of bread as well as some Jam & honey.
"Sarah, I made you a sandwich" I call, placing it on the kitchen table. She runs over to me, arms up waiting for me to pick her up. Picking her up I place her on her special chair.
"dooone" she squeals minutes later.
"Do you want anymore?" I ask, taking her plate away. She shakes her head & climbs down from the chair. running to her dolls again. I put her plate in the sink and quickly wash it. I put it with the other clean dishes and dry my hands with a tea towel.
I walked up to Sarah and bent down beside her.
"Hey Sarah?" She stops playing with her dolls and looks up at me.
"Yes daddy?"
"Do you wanna get a puppy?" She drops her doll and stares at me eyes wide open.
"YES YES YES YES YES" She squeals jumping up and down excitedly. I laugh and pick her up, placing her on my hip.
"Let's go then" I smile. I walked to the car and buckled her in her car seat. I jump in the front and started the car. "Ready?" She squeals again in excitement.


Dylan'sc pov

We arrived at the pet store and Sarah practically jumps out of my arms.
"Daddy, daddy, wook" she screams excitedly, dragging me towards the puppies. I follow her and stand in front of windows filled with 4 different breed of puppies. I pick Sarah up so she could see the puppies on the top window.
"These are German Shepard's Sarah, and the ones next to them are Beagle " I spoke pointing to the two top windows.
"Wat about da bwottom windo?" I bent down, and checked there tags.
"These puppies are Golden Retrievers and these puppies are Kelpes" I point to the two bottom windows. She looks at each puppy carefully, deciding weather or not she wanted a Golden Retrieve or Kelpe.
"Daddy, I dwon't want, any of deres" She says.
"What about one of these then?" I ask lifting her back up to see the German Shepherd's and Beagle. She looks at the Beagle and shakes her head. She then looks at the German Shepherd's, staring at all of them for a few minutes.
"I want that one" she screams pointing to the the runt of the litter at the back of the corner.
"Are you sure?" She nods her head frantically. "Okay then...Excuse me, could we please have this little pup?" I ask pointing to the runt. One of the staffs come over.
"You want this little guy?" She asked, grabbing the pup out of his pen. I nodded my head. We walk around the shop a bit more, picking out toys, beds and food for the little guy.
I pay for the puppy and all the goods we brought for him and walk back towards the car.
I place Sarah in her car seat, and the puppy beside her in his new bed. I put the rest of the shopping in the boot and hop into the front.
"Do you wanna go show mummy, our new family member?" i asked, looking at Sarah in the rear view mirror.
"Yes pwease daddy" She responds. I pull the car out from the car park and drive towards the cemetary.


Dylan's pov

Sarah ran out of the car, towards Jac's grave. I grabbed the puppy in one hand and locked the car, following Sarah. She stops in front of her grave, taking a seat.
"Hi mummy, i want to shwo you our new famiwee memba" She speaks pointing to the puppy in my hand. I place the pup down in front of Sarah. "Dis is Mr.Nibbles" she continues, playing with the puppy.
"Mr.Nibbles?" I laugh sitting beside Sarah.
"Yes Mr.Nibbles"
"Why Mr.Nibbles?"
"Because i sed so" I let out a chuckle and placed a kiss on her cheek. She's a splitting image of her mother. Not just look wise but also personality wise. Sarah and I stayed with Jac for a while, talking to her, telling her how our week has been and playing with our new family member. I picked Sarah up and sat her on my lap.
She rubs her eyes, yawning, snuggling her head into my chest and falling asleep instantly. The puppy following closely behind.
"She's exactly like you Jac" I whisper. I look down at Sarah and then Jac. "God I miss you" Tears welling up.
I blink allowing the tears to roll down my cheek. I stand up, Sarah and the puppy still in my arms. I stare at her photo once more before whispering.

"I love you"

The Mistake I'll Never Regret *Edited*Where stories live. Discover now