Season 1: Hell games: Chapter 2: Class

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" Hello my name is Eliana Taylor and I will be your head professor for this year " Ms. Taylor presented herself to everyone in the class. She was gorgeous. She has a voluptuous body beautiful brown curled hair, and she looked like a woman in her mid-20s. Then she took a peak at the class and saw that they were 12 children. Seven boys and five girls were all seated.

" Everyone shall go to the front of the classroom and present himself with his name, hobby, and dream or future job. For your powers you will say the category, the type, and if it's necessary the element. We'll start with people from the front then go all the way to the back " She murmured. We'll be all presenting ourselves to her and every one of the class. I, Alexis, and Dicou we're all seated at the back of the class so we will be presenting ourselves at last.

" You're all gonna get up one by one. So begin now! " She sighed.

" Hello, my name is Juan Garcia. My hobby is playing guitar. In the future, I wanna be a musician. " he said. He is probably from South America. He looked ordinary with his blue jeans and purple t-shirt. He has an ordinary face and brown curly hair.

" [Body: Senses: Strenghted hearing.] My power strengthed my hearing so I can hear everyone in the class and the ones next to us." As he presented his power everyone was shocked. Not because of the strength but of the rarety. People of the Body sense type are rare. They were less than 10 000 people who have sense-type powers.

" Hi, I'm Janna Hall. My hobbies are fighting and dancing. In the future, I wanna be a hero and beat my twin sister " She puffed. Everyone looked at her when she said that. I, Alexis, and Dicou didn't understand what she meant by that. But when we took a look at our class. They were all flabbergasted.

" Janna Hall?! " Except for us three, everyone was murmuring about her. They all looked surprised as if she was a star or a worldwide genius. Commonly, geniuses are known in this world.

' But if she that of a genius why is she here ' I thought. Geniuses that are known worldwide always go to Europe. Because there is the most popular school in the whole world. T.S.A or The Supreme academy. It is Academy where all the world's geniuses go. it is very popular, there Isn't a parent who doesn't want their child to be accepted into that academy. Because you will have the prestige in this world to be maybe the next generation of the Supreme class.

" [Output: Magic: Light.] With my power, I can use light magic. I'm a 2 circle magician. " She sighed. When she looked at the class it seems that everyone was looking at her. She felt a little proud but then she saw three boys at the back. Those boys didn't pay mind to her and were even laughing with each other. She took a closer look at the three boys and saw that they were very handsome. The contrast between gold, silver, and bronze was eye catching

" She's the twin sister of Hanna Hall. The girl who got accepted in the T.S.A. " You could hear everyone murmuring in the entire class. But we didn't even care about it. We were just talking to each other till the next one presented himself.

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