Season 1: Hell games: Chapter 4: Dicou vs Lisa

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As soon as the children said that, Lisa and Dicou rushed at each other.


You could hear a loud sound in the whole street.

" You still haven't forgotten our fight record, have you? " Dicou murmured. It wasn't the first time they fought. We have fought a lot of times between us.

" 34-15 for you Dicou " Lisa responded. At the beginning, she was always stronger than him. While she could harden her body to some extent, Dicou's power could only hit 5 cm from his real hit. When he hits your chest, his power hits you 5 cm around where he is hit. But know it differently. His power zone was now all over the body. He would hit you in the stomach but you would feel an uppercut at the same time. He would put you off balance by only hitting your lower body, but his power is directed to the upper one.


Their fight was obviously a hand to hand battle. She tried to avoid all of his attacks because of his troublesome power. Dicou received all her attacks with a smile. You could see that he was enjoying the fight at the moment. Additionally, Lisa wasn't terrible either. Then suddenly she called him out.

" Why are you smiling so much?" Lisa asked. She knew he was happy to fight but not to the extent he was smiling.


" You've improved Lisa " Dicou responded while blocking another of her attacks. That was true. Lisa always trained because she didn't want to be overshadowed by the boys. Dicou could see it just by exchanging a few hits with her.

" Are you gonna keep warming up or what? " Alexis shouted annoyingly. They have been fighting for more than 5 minutes but have not gotten serious.

" Okay, let's go to the main dish, shall we? " Dicou muttered. Even if he didn't like the way Alexis talked. He couldn't deny what he just said.

" Sure " Lisa responded. She wasn't giving her all either. Alexis was right, they could keep fighting for a day or two. It was time to put a to it.

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