Season 1: Hell Games: Chapter 9 Molungé (2)

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In the school's training room, there were four students and one monitor. Two were discussing who was going to be captain of the team.

" Come on Andrew, why can I just be captain? " Janna asked. She and Andrew were arguing about who was going to be captain.

" I'm gonna be captain like last year so don't argue about it. " He replied.

" Yeah, and what happened? We lost. " She extorted. They continued talking till they heard someone counting.

" 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100. " Dicou murmured. He was doing some one-arm push-ups.

" Hey, what are you doing?" She asked.

" I'm exercising." He replied.

" Can't you help us choose a captain? " She stuttered. Dicou got up and stretched his legs and arms.

" No problem. So who's the strongest between you two? " He inquired.

" Why? " Andrew came up with his question.

" The leader should always be the smartest in making decisive decisions and plans. Looking at how you two are arguing there isn't someone like that between the two of you. So there is only one other criterion to be captain. "

" What is that? " Janna puffed furiously. Dicou was almost saying that they were too dumb to lead a team.

" The strongest. I am going to be captain because I'm the strongest. " Dicou said with confidence written all over his face.


The only thought that came into her head that could describe Dicou.

" Why do you think you're stronger than us? " Andrew muttered. Rage was rising in his head. Even if they were the weakest class among the three, he was the strongest in his class and one of the strongest in the whole grade.

Dicou listened to them while doing his sit-ups. When he finished his 50th sit-up. He got up and began to challenge them.

" How about you two fight me together to find out? " He sighed.

" Do you want to get beat up or what? " Andrew responded. You could see electricity hovering around his body.

" You're too weak to do that. " Dicou chuckled with a grin on his face. He saw that Andrew had a little temper and provoked him. When it comes to taunting or provoking someone, no one is better than Dicou. He used it many times to fight Alexis but it didn't work against Eptosi. He's too calm and composed to fall into such a trap.


Andrew rushed at Dicou with his right punch.

" Oh, don't be so hasty. " He murmured while avoiding.

" [Light beam] "

Dicou saw a beam coming at him with a blinding color. Andrew was trying to get Dicou closer to Janna's attack. Dicou couldn't avoid the beam because Andrew would shock.


Dicou was hit with the full beam. Smoke arose so Andrew decided to check if Dicou was unconscious or not.

" Don't worry Andrew. He got hit by my light beam without protection. He would be on the ground right now even if he's conscious. " She extorted.

" What did you say? " Janna heard Dicou's voice in the smoke.

" How " She saw him standing with only the clothes on his arms torn. He still looked fine apart from that.

" Nice combi, I see that you already fought in a team together. But it's still not enough to defeat me. " Dicou sighed. He directly rushed at Andrew. Andrew saw that and activated his power. Lightning was curling around his body.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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