first bloody day

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✶ 𝔱𝔴𝔬  ⌢ first bloody day  ˇ !

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✶ 𝔱𝔴𝔬 ⌢ first bloody day ˇ !

Klaus had to admit talking to Caroline was always something he found himself looking forward to. She was most likely the only person who wanted to know about him because she actually liked him, she didn't know he was a vampire feared by most of the supernatural world, and that itself made him smile.

She liked him, not Klaus the feared original — him. He always found himself looking forward to speaking to her, talking about her interests, dreams, desires, and anything else. And she herself was well. He liked her bubbly personality, and always found himself smiling once she would get embarrassed easily and try to change a subject subtly.

And his dimples had never missed appearing in his smile whenever she laughed, because although she hated it thinking it was unflattering, he had thought it was almost melodious.

Caroline also wasn't as disappointed as she was after realizing it wasn't Liam, but it was actually someone way better. At least for her he was. they both spent hours talking about all sorts of things, artists, history, paintings, music, and places.

But it was now morning. As scatters of light shone through the girl's window and landed on her eyes, causing her to flutter them open. She sighed and lifted herself off her bed grumpily, because although she didn't regret talking to him, she had practically stayed up all night doing it, and now she has bloody dark circles and school to deal with.

On the bright side though, she would see her best friends face to face after a while?

She picked herself up and walked over to her large walk-in closet, her fingers rummaging through the piles of clothes, as she grasped a tight black top, and matched it with her wide flared jeans, as she then slipped away her comfortable pyjamas and onto the clothes. 

Her eyes then caught sight of the polished shard of metal that showed her reflection, just as water did and she stared at it for a moment before walking toward her vanity and picking up her hair curler, and wrapping her locks around the hot object. She smiled in triumph at the results, before then picking up the applicator and adding some concealer to her slightly pale, but still pretty noticeable eye bags.

She then sighed once she picked up her phone and checked the time, she wouldn't be late if she made breakfast, but she still wanted to see her friends before her first class. Caroline hurried down the stairs of the Forbes house as her blue irises turned, and landed on her mother who was sitting on the couch, her voice firm and her hand placed over her phone, as usual.

Caroline ignored the woman as she took the tote bag from the coat hanger and placed her phone inside, she closed the bag before putting on her heels, not bothering to try and speak to Liz, as she headed outside and walked up to her car.

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