burning and bonding.

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✶ 𝔰𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫  ⌢ burning and bonding ˇ !

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✶ 𝔰𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫 ⌢ burning and bonding ˇ !

[  mentions of gore, fire, torture ]

That morning, she had agreed with Elijah that she would go back to jonas' house. But she still hadn't eaten anything, and she had online assignments since she had stopped bothering to actually go to the school.

The girl sighed as she walked away from the grill, eating from a box of small lemon cakes in a small paper bag. She walked to the back of the grill for her car, but she pauses once she sees Matt, his intense blue eyes meeting hers.

"Hey matty d." She smiles putting the paper back on top of her car. "Hey care." He replied, throwing the finished cigarette bud on the floor.

"I haven't seen you in forever. How is everything?," The airy, sweet tone of Caroline filled his ears. It was nice hearing from her again.

"Fine mostly. But how is Tyler? He has been avoiding me recently." He sighed, as she frowned. "Yeah, I managed to call him recently. His uncle just left without saying anything. He is.. probably just upset." she frowned.

He nodded. "I know what that's like." He paused. "..I should probably go back to work. It was good seeing you, Forbes." He spoke lifting his head and walking away.

God that was awkward.  Caroline thinks, but before she could turn, an irking feeling that someone's behind her clenches her ribs. She turns around and sees an unfamiliar woman. "Hey, do you ..need anything?," she asks as Jules replies, "..Caroline, right?," she asks as the girl nods wearily. "I'm looking for Tyler. You haven't seen him, have you?," she asked.

Caroline paused. "No, not since earlier. His uncle Mason left abruptly, I am pretty sure he is at home." She says as the woman in front of her arches her brow. "I know you're lying," she states.

Caroline laughs. "Is that one of your little dog tricks?," she scoffs. "The last thing I need right now is a bitch I don't know, telling me wether I am lying or telling the truth,"

Jules clenches her jaw and rushes to the girl, but she immediately snaps her wrist and siphons it, and she only lets her go of her the woman starts yelling in a shrill tone. "I'd suggest you back the fuck off me. If you want to find Tyler just go to the Lockwood mansion and look for him," She looked down at the hurt woman who had started healing.

Jules takes the vervain spray from her pocket and quickly asperses her with it, Caroline coughs but doesn't at all seem affected by it—but it had caught her offgaurd, the mixture getting in her eyes as Brady rushed over and slammed her head with his fist, holding onto her before she could evidently fall. Hand grasping her back.

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