Deep In the Woods

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Emperor's POV

" Here is your order." I hand Gloves his drink. My finger accidentally rubs against his and my cheeks flush a very soft yellow as he smiles and walks away with his drink. 

" Thanks Emp." He says while walking away. My heart beats slightly at the nickname he used before walking off. I mean its not the first time someone has used that nickname for me and usually I just shrug it off but hearing it from Gloves... It feels sort of different. Ugh, a king shouldn't be worrying about these types of things. Ever since the Wig Shop, the Salmon Run, the Tournament... My feelings towards Gloves have transformed into something I should be having with the opposite gender, but instead, are having them with him. Just seeing him brings joy to my day and I decided to take a break early to go and see him. 

" You've been taking a lot of breaks lately." Crust Sean points out while handing his food to the customers. I shrug and take off the apron and place it on the counter. 

" Just been having a few things on my mind lately." I say and exit the truck. I hear him chuckle then saying something inaudible as I head out and follow Gloves downtown. I've seen him come here a lot during the day and sometimes at night, he goes down the street, takes to the park, goes through the small woods and... Well, there is no then actually. I have no idea why he goes back there and to be honest I feel weird just following him. A king always announces his presence, making him well known around his subjects and commoners. Suddenly Gloves turns around, but I move and hide behind some mailbox near some building. 

" He, I saw you Emp. You can come out." He chuckles softly. I feel embarrassed as I step out from behind the mailbox. This is no way a king should feel or act but Gloves just walks over to me with his usual confident and fresh grin. 

" So, why were you spying? Last time I checked Kings down spy on their "subjects"."  He says while smirking and sipping on his drink. 

" And last time I checked Kings don;t need to explain themselves to the common." I mumble and Gloves just chuckles softly and takes another sip of his drink. 

" If you say so." He turns around to leave. But without thinking I quickly grabbed him by the wrist, stopping him in his tracks. 

" Wait. I want to come with you." I say quietly. Gloves seems a little taken back by my actions but doesn't yank himself away. Instead he just nods slowly and without another word just guides me to the park where he later leads me down what looks like an abandoned trail. The way sticks and moss and dirt have dusted and blanketed the concrete floor. 

" This place is def not suitable for a king." I say loudly. 

" I know but I like walking down here. It has that mysterious bone chilling vibe you know?" 

" No I don't and squids do not have any bones." I say which cause Gloves to laugh for some reason. 

" For a king who can see me scraping my head against the floor from the bleachers you sure are dense." He smirks at me. 

" Am not." 

" Are too." 

" Am. Not." 

" Are too." He smiles smugly at me. Soon we're arguing back and forth about all sorts of things. My grip gets tight around something and I look down to see that my hand is still strapped around Gloves's wrist. He winces at my touch but doesn't say anything. Instead he just chuckles as we continue to walk down the path. And I start to feel more relaxed as we walk down this haunting path. The trees whistling in the breeze, the sound of crickets singing in the grass, the sun shining through the bright green and tinted orange trees. I take in the entire scenery as we walk further down the path. I look at Gloves who cup is now empty and is just rocking his head to some song. 

" I see what you mean now about this path. It's calming and nice. Beautiful even." My voice comes out softer than I thought. Gloves just nod and look up at the trees. 

" It's magical. I used to come down here as a kid with Half-Rim and Clip Ons. I once brought Jersey but she got scared and said this place was just down right haunting." He laughs. I chuckle slightly and go back to looking ahead of us. I don't know how long we've been walking for but I feel like now would be a great time to tell Gloves. So I stop in my tracks, my hand still stock on his wrist as he does the same and turns around and gives me a puzzled look. 

" Yeah?" He gives me a crooked smile which just makes his thing even more difficult than before. 

" Well... I wanted to tell you that, for some strange reason, I've been developing certain... things for you. That even I don't know how to describe. I mean, every time I see you my hearts start to race at all sorts of paces. You're always on my mind and I just wanna be with you everywhere you go." I struggle to make eye contact, but when I do I see Gloves with wide eyes and his mouth slightly open. 

" I-I," he looks down at the ground and cracks a nervous smile as green blush starts to appear on his face. 

" I feel the same Emperor. You're always so good at Turf Wars and you killed it at the Tournament against X-Blood. Your starting to get a better grip of things when it comes to the commoners. But... the only thing I worry about is our age. I'm sixteen, your eighteen and even though Inkopolis  is one of the most accepting places on earth, there is still a lot of hate in this community." His smile starts to dim a bit and I can't help but move both my hands towards his face. 

" I know. And this certainly will be a problem for a lot of people but like people say, love is love. As long as it is not toxic or insets of course." I add quickly and Gloves smile slowly returns to his face. We stayed in silence for a while. Just staring deeply at each other as the wind starts to pick up. His hair has finally grown back and it starts to move slightly in the wind. 

This moment is just so perfect. He raises his hands and places them on top of mine. 

" So... what are we now?" He asks quietly. The question makes me think for a bit before happily responding. 

" We're still in question but definitely more than friends." I say and he nods happily at my response. 

" Good. I like that..." After that we just stand there in silence. The nice silence though that even this deep in the woods makes it feel so nice. 

I don't care what others may think about our relationship. My feelings are mine and I can love whoever I want. 

But who who knew I would my love deep in the woods...

1,256 Words!!! I'm on a role today UwU

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