A game of Truth or Dare

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Rider's POV 

Hope y'all are ready cause things are about to get real spicy~ Multiple POVs and all that so long chapter here we come

" This is going to be so much fun!" Bobble Hat giggles with her hand in Mask's as we walk down to Army's house.

" Yeah! I can't wait to hangout with all our other friends!" Goggles giggles as we all head up the high driveway. Army and Aloha has invited, us, Headphones, Specs, Team Gloves, Team Newperor, the rest of the S4, X-Blood, Team Destiny (who Army met at a cook off), the guardians,  Hivemind, Team School Cardigan, and Team Hachi to this party. But if I know Aloha, all this party is going to be is a bunch of drunk squids and octopus and probably a horrible game of spin the bottle or truth or dare. I hope its truth or dare cause right now I don't think I can go through another spin the bottle game. The last time we played spin the bottle it ended with me drunk and Goggles with a bunch of bite marks and bruises. He said he was fine and really enjoyed it and ever since then we've "secretly" been a couple. Once we reach the door I knock on it roughly. 

" Damn Rider, no need to break down the door." Bobble Hat giggles. 

" So shut it." I hiss at her. The door opens slightly and out pops a bright pink inkling. 

" Hey guys! You finally made it~" Aloha says in his usual singing tone. 

" Yeah now let us in already..." Mask grumbles at him. He opens the door wider so we all can step inside. We step inside and I take a look around the house. Its so huge and fancy on the inside. 

" Come on now~. We're eating some curry and yakitori. Also I hope you like horror movies cause that what we're watching after our game of truth or dare" Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me right now. 

" Aww great. I can't stand their fucked version of truth or dare." Mask groans out loud as Aloha leads up to the living room where everyone has been situated and eating their food. 

" Hey Goggles!" Prinz waves at the blue inkling. 

" Team Newperor!!" Goggles waves frantically at all of them.I watch as Goggles moves from group to group. Giggling and talking amongst themselves while I go get us some food.  I like how Goggles is always able to engage with people no matter who they are. Its one of the main reasons why I fell for him in the first place. I walk over to the counter where all the food and drinks are and grab us some spicy yakitori, curry, and two bottles of melon soda. I walk back to him with the food and see him chatting with Hivemind. The silver inkling seems to be blushing slightly at some remarks Goggles has made. I wonder what he said... I decide to shrug it off and walk over and hand him his food. 

" Thanks Rider." He smiles brightly before digging into his food. We sit near one of the couches, just talking and listening to everyone else. Once everyone finishes their food Aloha taps on his glass of "juice" with his fork. 

" Okay everybody~ Its time for truth or dare!" He smiles at us. But its that sinister smile and I already know how bad this game is going to go bad... 

" Okay then I'll start first. Mask, truth or dare?" Army asks him. The cyan inkling glares at him before answering truth. 

" Is it true that you made out with Bobble Hat in Skull's apartment?" He asks. Mask and Bobble Hat both blush and Skull groans which answers the question. 

Coroika: Hivemind x FierceWhere stories live. Discover now