❤️ Wedding ❤️

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Dnf's wedding: They aren't streamers
Tw: swearing, cringy

Dream's pov
I pace around the room Sapnap watching me carefully. His daughter standing next to him playing with his ring. Karl and Sapnap got married last year and decided to adopted a young girl named Sophie who was 4 years old. "Sophie can you go to your papa please," She nods running out of the room. Sophie was diagnosed with selective mutism and only talks to Sapnap and Karl.

"What if I fuck up," My hands shaking like crazy and my heart beating fast. I stare at the wall not being able to look at his eyes. He walks over and starts to fix my tie. "Just be yourself, and that's all you need to do ok. Now come on lover boy you have to get married in 10 minutes,"

George's pov
Sophie runs into the room holding Karl's hand smiling waving at me I wave back and slowly start to flatten out my suit. I stare at the mirror and breath out. How was Karl so calm at his wedding. I feel something grab my legs and I look down to see Sophie hugging my legs.

There's a rule where only the bride can where white, well we aloud Sophie to break that rule only slightly as one she's 4 and two she's the flower girl. I sat down looking at Karl who was fidgeting with his hands. "How were you so calm on your wedding," "I wasn't I just knew how to hide it," He smiled while looking out the door until his smile slowly faded.

"What?" I questioned. He kept looking outside m slowly walking to the door looking outside to see her. Dream's twin sister Amelia. She is the literal devil in disguise I swear. She's tried to ruin our relationship so many times.

I checked my phone to see that there was one minute until the wedding start and I watched everyone go to there seats. I lined up just behind Karl hold some white flowers. "Take a deep breath and breathe," he stated continuously looking forward. The music started playing and the doors opened.

3rd person pov
As the music started playing the more nervous Dream got. Dream slowly started to fidget with his hands while watching Sophie walk out first doing some sort of performance with the flowers being over the top which she gets from Sapnap. Sophie walked off to the side sitting with Philza and Kristen who had promised to look after her while her parents weren't with her.

Next walked out Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo holding the rings. Tommy falling flat on his face. Everyone just started laughing and luckily he wasn't holding the rings. He quickly got back up and walked to his seat embarrassed Tubbo and Ranboo following. Slowly the music changed to the wedding music and everyone else walked out. Dream stared in aw at his soon to be husband.

He watched him walk up to the podium where Scott was standing preparing to start the wedding. "Today ladies, gentleman and more we are pleased to be here at the wedding of Dream WasTaken and George Davidson."

-after everything-
"If anyone has any reason why these two men should not be married please say something or forever hold your peace." It was silent for a second Scott about to continue until "I OBJET," Amelia says standing up walking to the front. "Nope not today Satan," Karl says grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the room closing and locking the doors on her.

"Continue please Scott," Karl just smiles like he didn't just do that. "Well, um ok, Dream do you take George Davidson to be your lawfully wedded husband," "I do," Dream says holding George's hands tighter. "George do yo-" "I do," Tubbo walks up and gives the rings and they slid them on.

"Well you may now kiss the groom." Dream grabs George and pulls him in for a kiss slowly dipping him on a small angle while George puts his hands on Dream's face.

But without the dip being so big and George's hands on his face

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But without the dip being so big and George's hands on his face.

Dream's pov
"I've been waiting to kiss you from the start," I whisper to George. "Well I haven't," he says while pulling me down the isle everyone clapping at us the newly weds. I was probably smiling like a huge idiot. Once we get to the limo I pull George on my lap and kiss him.

Dream and George were having an interesting time in the back seats of the car.

"We're here," the driver says not turning back. Dream and George were the first ones at the reception walking inside to find a beautiful ballroom decorated with flowers, tables and chairs, a special table for the grooms and their best men. There was also so much more.

There was an entire dance floor right in the middle of the room and a table with so much food enclosing entrees, dinner and dessert. I look over at George completely amazed by the reception place. I wanted to make it a surprise for George as he was already stressed with finishing college so I decided to plan this. "It looks beautiful Dream," He kisses my cheek running over to the food and takes a small bit.

"What, I'm hungry," He says mouth half full of food. I just start laughing at him. Out of no where Sophie runs in with Quackity chasing after her. Sapnap and Karl slowly walking in behind them. I give them a confused look and they give me one back saying don't worry.

I wasn't until Sophie came and jumped on my back nearly making me fall over. She giggles trying to push me over while on my back. "Alright off we go Sophie," Karl says pulling her off my back slowly. Soon everyone starts to arrive slowly and starts to sit down.

Sapnap stood up making everyone go quiet. "I would just like to say that after however long it took for these two idiots to fall in love and I had to watch it all I'm great full because now I don't have to hear 'George is just the cutest and best person and I just love him' or 'I think I like him Sapnap, I think I like Dream' but yeah that's all I had to say so go back to whatever you were doing and thank you." I just stared at him. "What it's the truth." He smiles while giving Sophie a chicken nugget.

-A little later-
Everyone was dancing and being happy. I look around to see all my family, friends, goddaughter, best friend and my now husband and I couldn't be more happier with my life. I smile at George walking up to him. "May I have this dance m'lady." "Sure, but if you ever call me that name again I will divorce you," He frowned trying not to smile.

"I love you George."
He just smiled, me know he struggled to say those three words.
"I love you to Dream," He say slowly kissing me.

"Ew get a room you to!" Tommy shouts standing near us.
Word count: 1220
Hope you enjoyed but I think it's slightly cringy cause I can't write weddings. Anyways

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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