Poll 27 Room 60: Dreams

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So yes dreams. Because I've had some interesting ones lately...
-one that I wrote and might publish. So there's a man. He wakes up and goes down-stairs. His kids, an older girl and a younger boy see him. He has another girl in between, but she's upstairs. His wife doesn't see him, and he can't understand why. Today is take your kids to work day, and he does so. They drive onto the freeway, and enter an office building. Still, no one notices him, but there are many people surrounding the kids, asking why they are wandering a workplace alone. Angry, the man takes them out and to an old arcade. No one is around. When his kids have tired of that, he takes them home, content. Still no one seems to see him. When they arrive back home, the kids run upstairs to find the middle sister waking up. She wasn't sick, but the man had used her life for that day.
I woke up really creeped out by that one...
-I MET KELLI O'HARA AT A FAIR!!!! So somehow she was a friend of mine and we went to the fair together!!!! I don't know how that happened!!!
-There was another dream where I met Anthony Rapp, but I can't remember what happened.
-The most awesome dream I had was, again, somehow, I knew Imogen Lloyd Webber, and I was in her car with another little girl who, in the dream I assumed was her sister, but then the reality side of me kicked in during the dream. Anyways, so Imogen is driving and we get to their (my imagination's) house and Andrew. Lloyd. Webber. Is. There. I TOTALLY FREAKED OUT IN MY DREAM AND WHEN I REALISED AFTER I WOKE UP. So that's all I remember. But still......😱😱😱😱😄😄😄😄😄😃😃😃😊😊😊😍😍😍😍😍😍😀😀😀😀😀

What crazy, unrealistic, or weird dreams have you had??

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