Okay so live at five they don't post it on YouTube anymore :(:( but apparently today LESLI was a special guest so they posted it on their site!!!!!!!! I CANNOT EVEN BEGIN TO TELL YOU HOW EXCITED I AM. BECAUSE I LOVE IMOGEN AND RYAN AND ALL THEM BUT ANYWHALEZ YOU KNEW THAT.
SOO Imogen is as adorable as ever and when she said,"Dad doesn't have one!" Eeeep and she said Class Rank in her Brit accent and then she said it in a very bad Western American accent but AHHHHH I FIND IT ALTOGETHER TOO ADORABLEZ AND HILARIOUS SO YEAH. GO WATCH IT. And that applause machine was bahahaha and Lesli is queen as usual. Oh and we all know what's going into the Imperial: Miss Saigon. Hello it's so obvious. I digress. I wish they would keep posting them it's like the vlog home of vlogs!!!!