Accidentally came across

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(A/N: GUYS! Have you seen the red film? I mean, One Piece movie: Red Film. I just came back from watching it at the cinema!!! Yes, in my country, the movie is already out. I didn't get to watch it from the beginning tho- T^T. But it was worth it👍) 

      The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky. Law was walking with a green, long, wavy, and messy hair girl. She was wearing a fuzzy white coat that looked like a pair of big wings and exposed green top that looks kinda similar to a singlet and a green high heels. Law was wearing a black long coat  with yellow patterns and a light blue jeans with grey/black spots pattern. Like usual, he wore his white hat with black spots pattern and black shoes.

-Luffy's PoV-

      I was in my way to went back to my apartment, but suddenly I saw someone that I feel like I recognize from a far. I went to look a bit closer. 'AH! IT'S THAT TRA-GUY!!'  I ran to quicken my steps to catch up with them. 

-Law's Pov-

      Me and Monet was walking side by side with her right forearm locked with mine. "You're not going to waste my time like last time again, are you?" She asked me with closed eyes. I looked at her as she said that. I answered her while looking back to the front. "No, and get your hand get of me." She didn't looked surprised but instead, she looked annoyed. "Ugh, I forgot how a jerk you are since middle school." She said with annoyed tone while letting her hand go of mine. 

      Suddenly, someone was running toward our direction and was waving at us. "HEY!" He yelled. That person was wearing a red long sleeves shirt with collar and a white t-shirt inside and a straw hat. He also wore a black jeans and a red and white sport shoes. 

      'That voice...' I looked at the direction where the yelling come from. "HEY--!!" It was Luffy. He waved at us with a big smile on  his face while running toward us.

-Luffy's PoV-

      "HEY, TORA-O!" I'm just a few steps away from them. I slowed down and continued to wave at them. Tora-o looked shocked while the girl next to him looked at me with a confused face. I came closer to them and asked "I thought I recognised you! How have you been, Tora-o?" 

-Law's PoV-

      As he was getting closer and made me see him clearly, I jolted. 'What the hell--' sigh.  Of course I'd run into him as long I am still in this area. Monet looked at him and asked "Oh. Do you two know each other?"

-Luffy's PoV-

      Law looked at her and we almost answer the question in unison. "Yea--" "NO."

      I looked at traf-guy with a confused face. What was he saying? I'm his neighbour. Did he forgot already? I blinked twice. Trice. The girl with green hair looked at us with a lot of suspicion toward us.

      I turned to looked at her. Her coat looked like a wing! "Woah! You look really pretty, miss! And your hair has the same colour as my friend! I like you fluffy coat!"

-Law's PoV-

      Luffy compliment her with sparkly eyes. I looked at her. She looked shocked. "Oh my god, you just made my day. Thank you!" She said with a happy proud face. 'What the hell... I've never seen her react like that before.'

       They introduced their self to each other. I step closer to Luffy. He took a step back. "Why are YOU here?" I glare at him.

      "The REAL QUESTION here is, mister... What are YOU doing here with me when you already have someone at home?" 'someone at home??' I raise my left eyebrow. "The hell you trying to say, Monet?"

       She crossed her arms. "What? Do you think I'm that dumb, Trafalgar?" She counted with her fingers while saying, "The pet name,-" 'does she means the name Luffy called me?' She continued, "the denial... Anyone with brain could have catch on, you know."

       She looked at me and smile. But anyone can see that it's an annoyed type of smile. She continued "I know when people are involved."
'involved...??!!' she was talking nonsense. She point her index finger on my chest.

      "DON'T f*cking call me again, sh*thead!" She was about to walk away but turned her face to look at Luffy and wave at him.

      "Bye, Luffy." She said while smiling. Luffy waved back. "Bye!" He smiled. But it wasn't his usual childish kind of smile. He was smiling with a hurt look in his face and without showing his teeth like he usually do.

      I was mad at him and glare at him as he waved at Monet. Suddenly, ''GrUmBle!''

      "Ah!" He looked at me. "Hey, wanna eat together?! I'm really hungry right now. It's my treat!" I glared at him dead into his eyes and said, "No."


-third PoV-

       The night sky was aglow with bright city lights. Two sake cup placed on a round table. Beside it, placed a medium size sake and in the middle of the table, a grilling net that attached to the table, was grilling lots of meats, some onions, mushrooms, and a few vegetables.

-Law's PoV-

      'Dammit, I went after all..' Luffy drooled over the meat and took all the cooked ones from the grill and put it in his mouth. He looked at me with his full mouth. "Uh- i'w sowwyh phow engkeruping wu wiwh wat giw. Awe wu anw wah giw yow giw fwieng?" He asked with his mouth full of meats. Weirdly, I didn't think it was disgusting or anything. But surprisingly cu- No! NOPE!

       I'm guessing he was going to apologized and asked whether Monet and me was dating? "No, we were just hooking up." I answered while taking a set of chopstick and a small bowl with rice in it.

       He looked at me with a confused face. He gulp all his foods at once. " 'hooking up' ? What's that? Isn't it the same as dating?" He tilted and asked while stuffing all the meats he could snatch from the grill. '...' I sigh. I looked away while saying, "Nevermind. Let's not talk about that." He blinked and tilted to the opposite side he tilted his face just now. "Hm. Okay then?" He said.

       He continued to eat happily while ordering more plates of meats and more bowls of rice to the waiter. 'Why was that so awkward?  And what's with my mind just now.' I decided to change the subject. I looked at him and took some vegetables and meat that had fully cooked.

       "By the way, my name isn't Tora-o. It's Trafalgar. If it's that hard for you to say, just call me Law." I said while eating the food I took. He smiled and said with closed eyes. "Law? Shishi. It's suits you! Shishishi!"

       We stop chatting and continue eat to our fullest and enjoy the food. While I was eating I took a glance at him for a second. 'This boy, no matter what harsh thing I said or did to him, he didn't fazed at all.' Usually, every people I have met in the past would just disregard me completely. Or just become aggressive to me. Even sometimes, my friends would be fazed.

      'But he... Have been and still treating me the same... He is so carefree and doesn't seem to care.' He looked at me with a big smile that full with food his big cheeks. "Its so tasty, right, Law?" His face lit up with sparkles around him.

       '...maybe he just clueless too. That's kind of just more believing. Honestly."


      We went back to our apartment by feet. It was already dark and most of the stores were already closed for the day. Luffy looked at the sky and saw a shooting star. "LAW! LOOK AT THE SKY!! MAKE A WISH! QUICK!!" He pointed at the shooting start that appeared at the sky. He closed his eyes and hold his breath while crossing both hands of his indexes and middle fingers.

       "I don't believe in that stuff." I whispered just enough for him to hear. A few minutes, he opened his eyes and look at me. "Oh... I guess that's ok. But you're kind of weird, Law."



The Star That Appear Out Of Nowhere |LawLu|Where stories live. Discover now