Lunch ii

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(A/N: ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) hello. Firstly, I'm sorry. Second, I have to change the schedule in updating the story. Before, I used to update the story every weekend. Right? But a few weeks ago, I have been having trouble to update on time. And so I want to change the updating schedule from every weekends to every two weekends. Do you understand? It means like every two week, on weekends, I'll update. 'Cause lately I have been very² busy. Again, I'm sorry.)

-Third PoV-

The pale blue sky is floating with white clouds while the breeze blowing the leaves beside the road. Two males with black hair, both wearing hats, walked together below the trees through the walkway.

-Law's PoV-

''Ya~~~~~wn'' Luffy was stretching while yawning. He hunched and his fingers slightly touched the walkway's tile. His eyes slightly dropped. He sighed. I looked at him.

"Someone looks tired." I said. He looked at me straight to the eyes. "Yeah. I stayed up late." He said. I looked to the front. "Yeah I know. You were playing games, right?"

He straighten his body. He looked at me with a widen eyes. "What...? How did you know??!!" He asked. I looked at him straight to his eyes. 'Is he really asking?'

"Luffy-ya. Didn't you realize that yesterday you talked loudly to your friends while playing games? And you didn't even bother to lower your volume." I sigh. "Oh.... I'm sorry."

He yawned again. He sigh. We were barely arrived at the campus when he suddenly said "Hey, Law I have an idea." while we were waiting for the pedestrian track light to be green. "What is it?"

"How about we race? First one to touch the west entrance sign, wins! Loser has to buy for the winner a lunch." Luffy said with a wide smile. I smirked. "Alright. Deal."

A minute before the pedestrian track light turn green, we got into position to run. Just as the light turned green, we dashed to the campus.

After a minute, I glanced to my back. I couldn't see him. 'Hmm? Where is he? He must have lagged behind.' footsteps of a person running could be heard at my right. I turned to looked. It surprised me. 'What?! HE'S MATCHING MY SPEED??'

I looked to the front. 'There's no way I'm letting him win!' I arrived at the campus entrance. I scan around fastly and saw the sign. 'There it is!' I was about to arrived when suddenly I saw a hand stretched to the sign and grabbed it.

'What the heck?!' Luffy looked like he was flying to the sign. He slamed the sign with his right hand. Through his panting, he said "I won." I wiped my sweats. I was out of breath to say anything.


-lunch break-

We were eating in the cafeteria. "Hw, wo wou goin awy cwub iw e uwi et?" Luffy asked with his full mouth. "... Mugiwara-ya. Don't talk with your mouth full." He then swallowed his foods in his mouth.

"I said, do you join any club in the uni yet?" "It's not really my thing." I said as we both took our tray to wash it. "Hmm... Oh yeah! Do you have anything to do this Saturday?" Luffy asked.

I looked at him with a confused face. "I don't have anything this Saturday. Why?" He smiled. "Wanna go on a date with me at an amusement park? But of course as friends though. All my friends are busy, so I have no friend to go with."

"Oh.. uhhmm....." I hesitated. 'A date? With Luffy-ya?....' I could felt my cheeks burning up. "Sure I guess?" I said. "It's a promise then! Shishishi." 'I can't believe I said yes....'

(A/N: Also. I'm sorry for the short chapter. Tomorrow I'll update another new chapter. If not, it'll probably be Sunday. Yeah, even weekends I still have classes and busy with things ಥ_ಥ I'm really sorry.)

The Star That Appear Out Of Nowhere |LawLu|Where stories live. Discover now