New World University

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(A/N: Hey guys! How are you all? I know last chapter was a bit.... hmm meh~ but I do hope I will write more interesting chapter today!)

-Third PoV-

       Dappled sun shone through the trees, creating mysterious shadows. It's Monday and many people were going to their school or workplace. "Tap, tap," fading sound of a pencil slowly tapping could be heard by the students near by. A black messy hair guy with a tan skin and a white and black hat was the one who've been tapping his pencil while looking out of the window.

-Law's PoV-

       I sigh. And, the beginning of the week is today again... 'why do I get a boring lecture so early in the morning. And to add to it, it's on Monday!. Ugh. I got to have the worst luck ever. Probably.' I closed my eyes as I yawned.

       A person was running and jumping outside of the window as I looked back at the window. The person feet touch the ground again and was balancing his ground. I turned to look at him. 'hm?' He jump and leap through the stairs with a bright smile on his face. He looked as if he was humming or something.

      It looked as if he was flying at that time. But that wasn't the reason why he catched my eyes. The person was wearing a red oversized t-shirt and a blue short jeans, a sandals made by straws, a straw hat with a red ribbon, and a red backpack.

       My eyes widen as I looked at him. 'n- NO WAY--!!' I was shocked and stood up from my seat as a reflect. 'IT'S HIM?!' Both of my hands were on the tables. 'thump!' "!!" My pencil dropped. The professor who were teaching the boring class looked at me. The same as other people in the room. He looked at me with a confused face and asked "Did you have a question?"

       It was silent for a second. I sat back and answer, "No, sir." Everyone was still looking at me. "Right. Then, that's all for today. Remember to study back today's topic and next topic." And to that, all of the people in the room went out of the room, including me.

       'What's with the many chance of coincidence?! This is too much of coincidence that's he's here too.' I stopped for a bit and think. 'It piss me of to think like this, but what if... What if I was just imagining him here?' I went to take my books for the next class. 'There's no other choice, I have to ask for their help. I have to confirm it no matter what.'


       I looked at my watch. 'Yosh, I have more than enough time until the next class. But I better hurry.' I walked as fast as I can toward the cafeteria. The cafeteria was full of people. 'Nope, their not here.' I looked at a few place where those guys would hang out. 'Could they be at the library? There's a low chance, but it's not impossible.'

       I as I entered the library and was about to search for them, I saw a familiar face. "!" 'It's him!' I didn't even need to find them and ask for help. He, Luffy was going towards a table with a group of strange people. I hide behind one of the book shelves, and took a peek.

       There was 9 people in total, including Luffy at the table. Luffy was sitting on the middle of 4 people. 2 on the left, and 2 on the right. While 4 people sits Infront of them on the other side of the table. There were 6 males and 3 females.

       The one sitting beside Luffy were a tall, slender woman with long wavy black hair on his left side, while beside that woman was a tall and huge man, with a brightly coloured blue hair and was wearing a black sunglasses. Meanwhile, on luffy's right side, there was a short boy with a brown curly fluffy hair, big eyes, and wore a pink and blue helmet hat like with a white X on it. While on his side, sat a long nose man with curly long black hair that wore a white hat.

       'wai- ?! Isn't that kid Dr. Kureha's kid? What is he doing here?' I was shocked when I looked at the kid. (anyway,) Back to the people on the table, the 4 others on the other side of the table was a long wavy orange hair woman, a wavy light blue hair woman beside her, and two tall man with black hair. One has an afro hair  and a skinny body, while the other one has long curly hair and huge body.

       Suddenly, a tall and huge woman with a half white and half green and blue hair colour came to approach their table. From what I saw, the woman was two time luffy's size. 'She... seems really familiar? Where have I seen her?' They were noisy for a while until a librarian told them to shut their mouth. They were whispering to them self.

       A minute later, when the huge and tall girl was just about to sit beside the tall and huge long curly black hair guy, two tall man entered the library and went to the table. The first one to enter, a blonde hair man with curly eyebrow, and have his hair closed one of  his eye, was dragging the second man that enter. That man is a tall tanned man that have green short hair that looked almost like a moss, and wore three golden earrings on only his left ear.

       A second they arrived at the table, both of them suddenly fought. They were being noisy again and the librarian was about to yell at them again, but the orange hair woman stood up and knock their head first before any of the people could do anything.

       'Who are they? Are they friends? He sure have a lot of friends and strange ones at that.' I was going to turned around, 'whatever. I should get out of here before they see me.' But I someone bump into me. I looked at the person. "Watch where you're going, you moron!" I snap.

       He give me a middle finger with his left hand and said while triggered. "You bumped into me, prick." I was triggered, but suddenly "Law?! Is that you?!" He was already behind me. I glance over my shoulder. It really was Luffy. He asked with a big smile on his face while a flowery and sparkly aura around him can somehow be seen. 'Ah, dammit.' 

       A man approached Luffy. "Hey luf! What are you doing in the library? That's rare of you..." The man have blonde wavy hair, with big eyes like Luffy, and have a big scar on his left eye.  He looked at me and asked Luffy. "And who is this luf? A friend of yours?"

       Luffy turned around to look at the man and smile widely. "Oh, hey Sabo! This is Traf-something law. He's the one I called Tora-o." He said with a big grin on his face. The person called Sabo just made an o mouth. "Hmm.. Sooo, you're the 'famous' Tora-o, huh? I've heard a lot about you from Luffy." He said it with a warm yet scary smile. He hand out his hand. "I'm Sabo."

       I looked at his hand and put my hands in my dark blue jeans pockets. He pull hi hand back and we started at each other. I swear I could feel as if there were electricity or something on the between. "..." Luffy didn't feel anything and proceed to asked, "Law, you go to this university too? That's so cool!!" He said it with a sparkly eyes.

       I didn't answer. That Sabo guy then put his right hand in luffy's shoulder and said "Eehh. Luf, do you want to go eat with me? I'm hungry." Luffy looked at Sabo and drooled. "EAT? SURE!! LETS GOO!!" he was about to drag Sabo, but then he stopped. "Oh right, I need to tell my friends first. Sabo, you can wait for me outside the library. I'll go let them know first." 

       He turned to go to the table his friends were sitting at, but then turned his head a little and waved his right hand at me. "Bye, To-- Law! We should hang out sometime soon." And just like that, he left. 'Sabo, huh. Sounds quite familiar. But I couldn't careless anyway.'


-Third PoV-

       It was after the first law's morning class. The professor was talking to another prof in his call. "----. Don't you think that kids nowadays weird, Mihawk? Oh wait, I mean, prof Mihawk. Ahahaha" Mihawk sigh. "Shut up, akagami." He was silent for a while and said, "...... Yeah, there's always a weird kid in every class. ........."

       The other man on the other side of the call stop laughing. "OH! Did something happened today?" -----


(A/N: Still no lawlu scene!!! T-T this is sad. But like I said, it's a slow pace story. But I'll try to make it faster if you want. I am so sorry if this chapter also boring 😭 I tried. Really, I'm really sorry. But thanks for reading!! And thanks for all the support!! <3)

The Star That Appear Out Of Nowhere |LawLu|Where stories live. Discover now