He did NOT just say that....

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Erika P.O.V. (Near the end of shift.)

I'm laying on the couch with my head in Zac's lap. Josh walks in and says,

"Four hours left in the shift and only one run. Which was a cancel. That doesn't happen very often." I look up at Zac.

"Oh, He did NOT just say that." I say.

Attention; Squad 6, Engine 1, 3, 7,8,9 and 11. Quint 78, 76, 54 and 32. Ambulance 42 and 46. Respond on a Wharehouse Fire. 7120 Ridge Creek Road. Box 615. Time out, 4:12.

"Dammit." I say, standing up and running out to Squad. I put on every piece of gear besides my SCBA. I step up onto the truck and sit next to Josh.

"Erika," Zac says.

"Got it." I tell him. "Anderson, Pitchers got a no-hitter going into the 9th inning. You don't walk up to him and say, 'Look like you've got a no-hitter.'............ Don't do it at the damn firehouse either."

"Yeah, I got it." He says. When we arrive on scene I see a fully engulfed warehouse.


"Yeah, Go ahead. Call out the line." He says.

"Alright, Zac, Hadley, Anderson, Tynes, Underwood. You're with me. The rest of you, Prepare for the unexpected. Hook up and be ready to hit it at a moments notice." I say. I throw my SCBA on and the others do the same. Zac turns my air on and I do the same for him.

"You ready?" He asks, Straighting my helmet up.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I say, Looking at the fully involved building.

"Hey, Remember what I told you when you were terrified doing the Aerial training?"

"Yeah, Slow breaths." I say. We walk up to the door and I tell Josh,

"Kick it in." He does as I say and I walk into the building. Zero visibility.

Thirty Minutes Later.

"All clear, Heading down." I say over the radio.

"No, No, No. Go UP. Go to the roof." Says Chief Casey. We all go up to the roof and climb down the Aerial. About half-way down, I slip and hit my shoulder on the rail.

"S***." I say. Once we're on the ground, They open up the hoses. I walk over and sit on the front of Squad. Zac walks over and sits down next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I think I dislocated my shoulder." I tell him.

"Let me see." He says. He helps me pull off my SCBA, My coat and then helps me take the suspenders off of my shoulder so I don't hurt it worse. "Uh, Yeah. It's dislocated. Matt or Liam can pop it back in for you at the station."

"That'll hurt like h***." I joke.

"Nah, Matt's had to do it for me before. It wasn't that bad." He says.

"But, You're a guy. You have a better tolerence for pain." I say.

"You'll be okay. Or do you want me to do it when we get back?"

"You can do it." I say. "I'm so tired, I don't even care."

"Come here." He says. I walk over and sit on his lap with my head in his neck. "Go to sleep. We don't have to do anything. Just wait for them to get the fire out."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, It's okay. I'll carry you into the station. It's alright." He says.

I'll be your hero,

Standing strong

Who'll protect you from any fight.

And if your battles are piling on,

I will take them on with all my might.

Cry your tears,

On my shoulder.

You don't know what the future holds,

So I'll be your

Personal Soldier.

I hear somebody walk over and say,

"You all can go. Take her back to the station."

"Okay, Thanks, Chief." Zac says. I feel him stand up and climb onto the truck. "Go to sleep, Babe."

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