Chapter 11

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Louis' POV:

I wake up snuggled against something cosy and sigh, satisfied of the warmth that engulfs me. I wake up almost immediately which was probably not a good idea as it makes me dizzy.

"Woah, slow down there." A deep, husky morning voice fills my ears and as much as I'd hate to admit it, I really wanna hear it again.

"Where am- Harry!?" I say scooting away from him, already missing his warmth.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me, keeping his distance.

"I-" I try to speak but the words don't come. What comes though, is a huge flood of last night's memories, washing up on my mind like it's a shore.

My throat gets caught up and I feel like someone just took the voice out of me.

"Louis it's alright if you don't wanna talk about it." Harry tells me in the most gentle voice I've ever heard. It's weird knowing he has this side to him.

"You can shower if you want. It's right at the end of the hallway." He says.

"Wh- what?" I snap my head towards him. I must have zoned out.

He repeats what he just said and I nod my head. It's getting a little awkward when neither of us are talking and I need some time alone.

I get up and out of bed and try to stand though my feet don't let me. They hurt like hell and I curse myself for running bare feet on the road. God, why did I ever think it was a good idea to run from home in the first place!? I'm such a fucking idiot. What kind of kid is scared of their own father?

"Do you need help getting up?" Harry asks eyeing me from the bed.

"Relax I'm not pregnant."

"You're glowing though." He smiles a smug smile, "In the sunlight I meant."

"Fuck off." I say trying to walk.

"What is it with you and doing everything all by yourself all the time?" He says getting up, his messy curls falling on his shoulders and there's something about the way his lips look right now.

"I said I don't need any help Harry. I can walk perfectly fine."

"I can see that." He comments.

I walk the few steps towards his bedroom door and stop. I didn't know it was gonna hurt this much walking just a few steps.

"Oh my god, I literally can't bear watching you struggle to walk like this." Harry let's out an exasperated sigh and walks over to me, swiping me right off my feet, literally.

He picks me up bridal style and carries me all the way towards the end of the hallway all the while ignoring my protests of putting me down.

"I said put me down!"

"Fine." He says and finally puts me down, right near the bathroom door.

"I hope you know how to work the shower."

I roll my eyes at him and quietly close the door to the bathroom. I take a hot shower thinking it would relieve the tension in my muscles. But if anything, it makes my muscles grow even more tired than they were before.

I just want to lie down and sleep.

I pull myself together and finish cleaning myself. I dry myself with a clean towel kept on the sink and wrap myself in it. It feels nice.

I don't know for how much long I've been standing in the same position but I hear knocking on the bathroom door.

"Louis?" I jump at the voice coming from the other side of the door.

hate you, with love (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now