Chapter 13

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The box of unfinished pizza lies in front of the boys. They accidentally ordered a large instead of a medium and weren't able to finish it. Louis feels like he's going to throw up if he so much as moves his head even by an inch.

"I'm never eating pizza ever again." Harry groans, rubbing his hand on his stomach.

"You were the one who ordered it." Louis says.

"No, I suggested it." Harry corrects him. "You were the one who green lit the idea."

"Because you can't cook to save your life."

"Yeah like you can." Harry scoffs.

"I just almost burnt Liam's house once. That was it. Why does everyone has to hang it over my head?"

"I burnt pasta." Harry says to even the playing field a little.

Louis looks at Harry and a small chuckle escapes his lips. He can't remember the last time he was genuinely feeling this happy. "Fair enough." He says.

A few moments of silence pass between them before Harry opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it again, like he's thinking if he should say it or let the comfortable silence engulf them.

"What is it?" Louis asks, picking at his nail. He already has an idea about what Harry has to say. The sudden shift in his body language is enough to convey that.

"About yesterday..." Harry starts. "Look I don't want you to feel uncomfortable but you gave me quite a scare last night." He pauses. He rests his hand on Louis' knee and meets his gaze with his own soft one, "What happened?"

Louis looks deep in thought and few minutes pass between them without him saying anything. He looks down at Harry's hand. He licks his lips and it looks like he's about to cry. Not now you fucking idiot, he thinks to himself.

"I just-" Louis starts. "I went out for a walk. I needed to clear my mind. On my way, I saw a bunch of college students and they were drunk off their asses. Asked me to join them but I refused, obviously." He takes a deep breath then continues, "So they kinda beat me up? But like I ran away and that's how I ended up on the curb or whatever."

After finishing, Louis looks at Harry but it's really hard to read his face. Harry's got a stoic expression and he can't really tell if Harry even heard half of what he just said.

"Haz- Harry?" Louis quickly corrects himself.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened at home?" Harry asks.

Louis is a little taken aback. "What do you mean?" He says.

"You said you needed to clear your mind. Did something happen with your dad?"

"Uhh no. I was just- you know..." Louis finds it hard to look for the right words to say. "Uhm- I guess I just got a little overwhelmed thinking about college and stuff. Needed to clear my head. Figured a walk would help- turns out it didn't though." Louis let's out a dry chuckle trying to lighten the mood.

"As long as you're okay." That's all Harry says before wandering into another room, leaving a confused looking Louis behind.

He walks back into the living room and sits opposite to Louis this time. Shit. Louis thinks when he sees the phone in Harry's hand. He's already scared of it.

"Your dad must be worried about you." Harry says. He extends his hand towards Louis and hands him his phone. "I think you should call and tell him you're alright."

The colour visibly drains from Louis' face and all of a sudden he feels hot. His palms get sweaty and he can feel little beads of sweat starting to form on his forehead. It starts to feel like someone is poking him with a needle all over his skin.

"Uhm... I don't think that's necessary." Louis breathes out.

"I'm sure he is worried sick. You're gone from home since almost a day now." Harry says. He carefully reads Louis' expression trying to derive a conclusion he doesn't want to believe is true.

"Why do you want me to call him all of a sudden? Do you not want me to stay? Are you tired of me? Is that what this is?" Louis snaps out of nowhere.

"Wha- Louis what are you talking about? Of course I want you to stay. You can stay here as long as you like." Harry says calmly.

"Yeah sure Harry. Thanks for caring so much but I think I'm gonna go." Louis snatches his phone from Harry's hand. He gets up in a rage and walks towards the front door.

"Louis wait! You know I didn't mean it that way." Harry follows Louis hot on his heels.

"It's fine Harry. I've overstayed my welcome anyways. I don't blame you for thinking I'm a worthless loser. I get that enough at home already. It really doesn't even phase me now." Louis yells slamming the front door shut. Harry stands there dumbfounded, processing what Louis just said.

What does he mean he gets told he's a worthless loser at home. This just makes Harry's suspicions only grow more stronger towards Louis' dad. He knows something is going at home that Louis doesn't talk about. The part that he keeps hidden away from the rest of the world.

Harry goes after Louis and sure enough he finds him sitting on a bench, his legs pulled to his chest.

Harry sits down besides Louis maintaining a little distance between them.

"I know we haven't been on the best terms since- I don't know. I don't even know why we hate each other and I know that you feel like I'm the last person you should be talking about how you feel and stuff and I understand it. But after yesterday, it's only natural for me to question-" Louis cuts him off.

"I don't know what you're problem is Harry. I already told you that a bunch of drunken college kids beat me up. What fucking more do you wanna know? It's not that deep. Leave it."

"Don't give me that bullshit. I notice how everytime your dad is brought up, you tense up and your face looks like it has no colour. Stop lying. I know something is going on with your dad."

"There's a thing called minding your own business. You should Google it since you clearly don't know what that means." Louis says still mad.

"Louis I'm just trying to help. Why the fuck are you getting mad?"

"Because it's none of your fucking business! Just stay the fuck out of it!"

"Fine! Fuck me for saving you yesterday like a fucking rescue dog! Just don't come to me crying when you're dad beats you up again." Harry says, his words harsh.

"Are you even hearing yourself!? What the fuck is wrong with you? Hurling accusations at my fucking father like that. You don't know the whole thing so just shut up okay? Just fucking shut up!" Louis yells back blinking back the tears that are starting to pool in his eyes.

"You know what? The little bit care that I had for you yesterday is fucking gone." Harry scoffs. "You're not even worth it." He shakes his head walking away.

Louis looks at Harry's disappearing figure with a hurt expression on his face. By now he was immune to his dad belittling him every single day but after hearing what Harry had to say, it really sent a pang straight to his heart.

Why does he even care what Harry thinks? Afterall this is what Louis wanted right? For Harry to stay out of his situation at home.

Maybe his dad is right afterall. Maybe he's just not worth it. Maybe he's not worth saving. Maybe he isn't worth someone's love. He's just a waste of space who ruins people's lives. He just ruined everything he had build with Harry these past few days.

Louis sniffles, wiping a stray tear from his cheek that had managed to escape. He was trying so hard not to cry but the way his lips were wobbling and his whole body trembling, it was hard. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He didn't wanna cry. It was getting dark so Louis decided to go back to his house. He didn't care anymore.

Chapter 13!
What do you think? I hope i didn't disappoint.

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Thanks for reading and I'll meet you in the next one! :)))

I love you <3

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