Chapter 14

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Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far. I'd love to hear what you think about it :)

I just wanted to add a few trigger warnings before this chapter starts as it can be triggering for some to read. So if you're easily triggered by these I suggest you skip over this chapter. (Take a shot everytime you read triggered).

But in all seriousness, please don't read it if you're uncomfortable with any of these triggers. Your mental health is a 100 times more important💛

T.W: physical abuse, rape, use of homophobic slurs

I guess this covers it. Let me know if I miss out on any.

Happy reading! :)


Louis quietly entered his house, trying not to make any noise. He slowly closed the front door behind him.

The house reeked of alcohol and there were beer bottles everywhere; some broken, some half empty and there was take out all over the place. It's a mess but the thing that worried Louis the most was that the house was quiet, too quiet. There seemed to be no one.

Suddenly he heard the twist of the front door knob rattling making him flinch. Troy entered drunk off his ass with a few other guys who were equally as terrifying if not more than his dad.

Louis' body froze on his spot when his eyes met his dad. Troy's expression was stoic at first, almost as if he didn't even remember he had a son but suddenly his face broke into a huge smile.

"Son! Finally after so long." Troy smiled warmly at Louis trapping him in a hug. "Where had you gone? I was so scared I had lost my baby boy." He smelled so bad. It was like he fell into a sewer.

Louis didn't say anything. He didn't even dare breath he was so scared. Maybe he was being nice around his friends so they won't suspect anything?

"Where had you gone Lou? I asked you a question." Troy tightened his grip around Louis.

"I- um- I was at a friend's house. We had a project come up at school." Louis said in a small voice.

"Why do you even try? You and I both know that's not the truth." Troy said with a dangerous tone, finally releasing Louis from his grip. "Anyhow," He turned towards his friends who were watching the scene, "This is my son guys. I think you already know his name by now. Louis, honey, these are daddy's friends, say hi to 'em."

Louis was wrong. He stayed silent, his eyes downcast.

"Damn Troy, you never told us how pretty your son was." One of Troy's friend, Rick said scanning Louis.

"Fucking gorgeous is what he is." The other one, Owen said taking a swig of his beer.

Louis felt so uncomfortable in their presence. He just wanted to go to his room. Or maybe this whole thing was a bad idea. He should've just stayed out on the streets.

"No kidding Troy but are you sure he's yours?" Rick said making them all laugh.

"Yeah yeah he's mine." Troy smiled. "All mine." He said, turning to look at Louis again with an eerie smirk that sat on his face which told Louis he had other plans for him.

"Um- I think I should go to bed." Louis turns around without waiting for an approval, too scared. He might actually piss his pants. He just needs to get to his room and then he'll be alright, he'll lock it.

I just need to get to my room.

"Tsk tsk," Troy clicks his tongue, "Did I say you could go to your room boy?"

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