Chapter 17

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Harry is quick to jump on his feet the second Taylor walks out of the ER.

"How is he? Please tell me he's fine." Harry asks, his words laced with worry and concern.

"Harry.." Taylor starts, the words lingering in her mouth.

"What? Tell me he's fine. You promised me ge would be fine!" The colour visibly drains from his face. Harry's eyes are about to pop out of their sockets if Taylor doesn't say anything.

"Harry, honey, you need to calm down. He's alright." Taylor assures him. "But there are a few things I'm concerned about." She tells him truthfully.

"Alright, tell me." Harry says.

"I was hoping to talk to his parents about it." Taylor tells him. "Don't take any offence Haz, it's just that his parents would be able to care for and tend to him more." She adds quickly upon seeing the expression on Harry's face giving him a short upside down smile.

"Um he has a- well-" Harry pauses trying to choose the correct words to speak, he wants to tell Taylor about how abusive Louis' dad is but he doesn't know how her reaction to the information would be. Would she call the authorities and have Louis taken away to a foster family maybe? He really doesn't know.

"He has a complicated relationship with his dad." Harry decides to say, "And uhh his mum isn't around."

Taylor looks at Louis through the little glass windows on the door with an empathic look on her face.

"Any gaurdian or a relative he trusts?" She asks turning her head back to look at Harry.

"No. It's just him and his dad currently." Harry tells her. Even the thought of Troy is causing Harry a headache.

Taylor falls silent for a moment as she drops her head to the floor.

"Ok um let's talk about it in my office then." She says, hesitation evident in her voice but guides Harry towards her office nonetheless.

Not again. Harry thinks to himself. He just came from Taylor's office after Patricia fixed him up. He just wants Louis. To see him and hold him and keep him warm and safe in his arms.

Harry sits back on the same chair, Taylor sitting across from him.

He can feel Taylor watching him with calculated eyes before she speaks up, "See Harry here's the thing."

Harry nods cautiously, gesturing for her to continue.

"I'm afraid it's going to take Louis a while to get alright."

Harry's face quickly grows concerned again, "But you just said he's fine-"

"He is. But it's going to take some time for his injuries to properly heal. The thing is, eight of his ribs are broken, his whole front part is bruised, his back is covered in cuts. Some shards of glass were really stuck and proved very hard to remove; we did remove 'em though so need to worry. Now as for the bruises and cuts and also his facial injuries, they're gonna heal just fine. What I'm worried about is the internal damage."

Harry's throat suddenly feels dry and his palms sweaty.

"His left shoulder was also dislocated. We fixed it but it's obviously gonna take a while to recover too. He also suffered internal bleeding in the stomach."

"But you took care of him right? He's going to be okay?" Harry asked trying his hardest not to cry. He could feel his throat closing up. It's all his fault. He's such a fucking idiot for not picking up Louis' call.

"Harry.. uhh I really can't find a better way to put this but um- Louis- he- while examining him we found he was sexually assaulted."

"What?" Harry asks not seeming to hear Taylor correctly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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