Chapter 10

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Louis is woken up that night by the sound of a vase hitting the ground. He springs up, his breaths sharp. He's violently shaking and a light sheen of sweat has coated his forehead.

With cautious steps, Louis walks towards his bedroom door and creaks it open just enough so that he can take a peek outside. He's too scared to go out and inspect what the noise was or where it came from.

"Louis, you little whore! Where the fuck have you been!?" He hears his dad shout. He clearly sounds very drunk and is slurring each word.

Panicking, Louis slams his door shut which catches his father's attention. A sharp sound of the beer bottle colliding with the floor rings through the entire house.

He can hear heavy footsteps approaching his room, the floor beneath his feet creaking with each step he takes. Louis doesn't know what to do so he locks his door and pulls the covers over him.

A few seconds pass and he can hear the loud pounding on his door. "Open up, you fucking slut!"

Louis whimpers, he can feel his cheeks get hot as he clutches harder on the cover over him, his knuckles turning white with how hard he's holding it in his hands.

The pounding stops and an uncomfortable silence settles in. Louis still doesn't dare to get out of bed.

He carefully extends his arm out of the cover to reach for his phone. He wants to call someone but he doesn't want to bother them with his shit. Why is he even scared in the first place? It's just his dad.

A few minutes later he can hear the same footsteps retrieve back to the door and the doorknob twisting.

Fuck, Louis thinks. How could he have forgot that Troy keeps a spare set of keys for every lock in the house.

The door opens and he can see a thin rectangular block of yellow light falling on the floor through his covers. Troy slowly walks towards his bed and lifts the sheets up, revealing a very terrified Louis, lying on the bed in fetal position.

"I missed you my beautiful boy." Troy says in the sweetest possible voice ever, stroking Louis' chin gently. Louis keeps his eyes closed like that would prevent anything from happening.

"Hey, look at me Loubear." Troy pouts.

"It's late dad. I think you should go to sleep. We can talk tomorrow." Louis says quietly, his eyes still screwed shut.

"You won't even ask how I am?" Troy raises his voice.

"Dad please, I'm tired. We'll talk about this tomorrow. I promise. I think you should get some sleep." Louis says as gently as possible. His father is clearly drunk off his ass and it's the last thing Louis wants to deal with.

"Oh so now you're telling me what to do? I feel like you keep forgetting the rules." Troy says in a dangerously low voice causing tremors to arise from within Louis' body.

"I- I have school tomorrow." Louis says.

"No you don't. It's a Saturday tomorrow honey."

"Please, can we talk tomorrow?" Louis pleads, growing impatient. He then feels a stinging pain in his cheek. He touches the area, gently holding it is his palm, looking up at his dad.

"Don't disobey me like that boy!" Troy yells.

Louis' POV:

I flinch at my dad's harsh words. I'm scared shitless but there's nothing I can do to help myself. It's pathetic really.

My dad's face suddenly seems closer now and I can feel his hot breath fanning over my face. I want to puke. I try getting up but he keeps me down, his large hands locking mine above my head.

hate you, with love (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now