~ Chapter Sixteen ~

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( Y/N POV )

"Are you sure about this my Lady? The stable master says he will calm if we let him out to the paddocks" I couldn't help but laugh a little at how nervous the young boy was, he was one of the new hands I was getting Thowra used to. He was great with horses but not so much with people, but that would come in time as he matured I was sure. After securing the last strap on the saddled I moved over to stop his pacing, crouching so we were eye to eye. "Don't worry about the stable master, I will talk to him when I come back. If he tries to reprimand you say I ordered you to get his tack okay?" There was a moment he looked away but I smiled at the shy boy when he finally met my eyes and nodded. He was so sweet, he just needed time and encouragement that's all. Ruffling his hair getting a giggle out of him I quickly turned taking Thowra's reigns and leading him out. My gut tightened as I looked around for any sign of Leo watching me. I knew there were elite guards, maybe even Nike somewhere with eyes on me but they weren't my main concern. Ducking behind a carriage I pushed off the ground to climb into the saddle, trying my best to keep the large stallion under me calm. I really did need to take him for a run. I knew my horse and if he didn't get a good ride soon he would cause damage to someone of something. I couldn't help but close my eyes once we started moving towards the open gate, the familiar feeling of being in a saddle washing over me. It felt so good to be doing this, especially after being made to be in a dress and sit around most of the day for so long.

Opening my eyes I looked around one more time as I entered the archway to leave the grounds. When I found no one trying to stop me I pushed Thowra to go. He didn't need anything more than that, I clenched my legs against him and lent forward as he bolted from a brisk walk into almost full canter. The road rushed past us, even more carriages heading behind most seeming shocked at me passing so quickly. Looking around I saw where I wanted to go, and with a small pull at the reigns Thowra swerved heading towards the forest in the near distance. It wasn't a large forest, just a combination of old trees making one last refuge between the royal home and the nearest town. Today though it was heaven. The branches rushed past in flashes of green and air against my skin, finally letting the weight lift from my mind and body like the trees tore them away. Thowra jolted slightly almost bouncing in his excitement, as he whinnied moving in between the tree's. I could feel myself laughing with him as we moved together, it was like we were escaping the world for just a little while. Something I wished could happen for real. Reluctantly I pulled back on Thowra's reigns, watching as he threw his head back sending his mass of main flying through the air. "I know, I know but we can't run forever. Let find you a drink then you can go as fast as you like on the way back" Now that we had slowed down I could hear the movement of water somewhere nearby. I knew Thowra would find it more easily than me though, so when he pulled to turn us I let him.

Scanning the tree's around us I watched as they thinned, letting more grass grow and wild flowers take over where trees had dominated until the terrain opened completely. Sliding off Thowra's back I secured his reigns so he could go to the little stream without me. He wouldn't run off, he would defend me against anything that could possibly be out before he left me. Watching him move to the water's edge I felt my stomach tighten looking over his new tack. The beautiful saddle emblazoned with the royal crest, as well as the bridle left no doubt where he now lived. If I had even thought about never going back I would have been a beacon to anyone looking for me. Letting myself flop onto a boulder covered in moss I sighed. I had looked for his old tack twice now and there wasn't a sign of it, not to mention if I asked the stable hands they simple said the stable mast took it away. I knew what they meant all too well. It was gone. The old worn leather set I had been so proud to have earned and maintained was most likely destroyed or long gone by now, replaced with a branded set that screamed royalty. Despite wanting to hate it completely I had to admit it looked good on Thowra. The dark leather was almost black but it was really dark brown, with royal color material inlaid with metal to make solar and lunar patterns on the saddle. It contrasted well with the bronze colored metal rather than gold like I would have guessed, but then that was likely as the crests themselves were in gold making them stand out more.

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