~ Chapter Seventeen ~

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Sighing leaning back in the bath I finally let myself relax. The last few days had been hectic with the wedding coming so close, and I had been fighting tooth and nail to make sure it wasn't filled with needless luxury or over the top decoration. So far I had won almost all the battles I picked. My dress, jewellery and the maids attending me on the day I won on, I don't know how I managed it but the flowers were all my choice too. All the merchants and shops providing for the wedding were smaller sellers who could use the money, not to mention the boost they would receive from being used by the royal family. I couldn't help but shake my head reaching for one of the glass vials to wash myself, I lost the battle today on the wedding dinner. The queen had pushed little by little adding more to each course and now I was stuck with a three course meal, each course having several dishes served. 

It was such a waste, but I was just so tired I gave up fighting when I knew she would just keep giving the chiefs more to add before I could remove them. The cool liquid soap was a welcomed sensation on my skin as I poured some out, quickly moving to wash myself so I could be done quickly. I had just under an hour until my appointment with the jeweller so I needed to hurry. With only one more day between now and the wedding it was cutting it close, but when he sent a messenger asking for an appointment to see me I rushed to send a reply. It gave me an excuse to have my bath before Leo came back for the night as well, a bath alone was worth more to me right now than any amount of gold. I could feel the blush rise on my skin remembering how Leo made us bath together every night without fail, even some mornings too recently. He seemed almost desperate to make me touch him while he took every opportunity to touch me.

Looking at my left hand I knew once a second ring joined the one he forced on me, I wouldn't have any ground to avoid him. The way he whispered in my ear about his excitement at us finally taking that final step, about wanting to see me swelling with our children left my skin prickling in warning. They were the words of a desperate man, one who had ever intention of filling every dirty promise that left his lips. Pushing out of the water I headed up the steps then for the doors, grabbing a towel on the way. There was already a light dress waiting for me I had set out, I put it out to try and make it easier to dressed and hopefully not caught. I already knew Leo would be furious I had bathed without him. Poking my head into the bedroom I checked no one was inside before leaving the safety of the steamy room, with no one in sight and the door still shut like it had been I headed to get dressed. 

Rushing I got to where I left the dress taking some underwear on the way, putting it on as quickly as possible. Kira had given me a couple of dressed like this one when she did my final fitting yesterday. The fabric was so light I hardly felt the dress on my skin, though it was still what she called elegantly fashionable. As much as I still didn't like having to wear dresses, Kira was doing her best to make me feel comfortable with the change. The light green and white material swished around me as I pushed on some flat shoes, heading for the door and the hallway beyond. Pushing the door open I almost sighed seeing Nike there, her face far from impressed so I must have clearly done something to get her in trouble... again. Since my last ride she was rarely allowed to leave my side. "May I ask where you are going in such a hurry Lady Y/N?"

Biting my cheek in frustration at how smug Nike sounded I took another turn, realizing I was yet again taken a wrong turn getting lost. Huffing I crossed my arms in frustration as Nike stopped at my side. Even if I knew she was loyal to Leo over me she was still one of the people I relied on most here, especially when it came to navigating the labyrinth that was the royal palace. "I'm trying to get to the tea room, the jeweller should be there waiting for me" Nike just stared at me for a second, I could see her lips twitching before she finally seemed to notice she was doing it. Of course she was trying not to laugh, she found it hilarious I still got lost in the palace. Slowly she pointed down the corridor to the left, there was four doors down that hallway from what I could see. "Second door on the right" I murmured a thank you heading towards the door. I was running out of time if I was going to get this appointment done before Leo came looking for me.

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