Chapter 24

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🟦Sorry. You might wanna grab your tissues.🟦

🟩Next morning🟩
🟥Tubbo's POV:🟥
Me and Ran both woke up at about 7am. I checked his cuts and put new plasters on them.

We got dressed into our prechosen outfits.

Mark told me that May had requested we go in something casual but he didnt wanna seem rude so we agreed on semi-smart.

I put on a light blue shirt and black jeans. i wore the necklace that Ran got me and a ring that i bought. It had a spinner on it so i could fidget with it but it also had little crowns engraved on it. You could add a message so i put 'Ranboo my beloved <3'

Ran got dressed and he was wearing similar outfit. White shirt with black jeans.

He also wore a necklace, a dog tag that apparently May had got him.

I walked into the bathroom and Ran was wearing his mask, looking in the mirror, doing his eyeliner.

'I thought you were going mask and glassesless?' I said.

he stopped doing his eyeliner and looked at me. 'It's so i can look in the mirror without throwing up, Duh'

He went back to circling his eyes with the black ink. 'Oh. Nice eyeliner.' I said.

'Thanks. Its probably all gonna smudge as soon as i cry in about half an hour.'

'Thats alright'

He finished and looked at me.

'Want me to do yours?' He asked.

'Sure. Dont stab me in the eye though.'

'oh please, I've done this thousands of times. Its my go-to look' He laughed.

'Ok... still dont really trust you.'

We sat on the bed and he did my eyeliner without blinding me, so sucess.

We got ready to go and met up with the others.

Rinnay had on a blazer over a band shirt with a black skirt.

Charlie had a shirt and black dress trousers.

Scott had a grey shirt and blue jeans and Rans mother just seemed to be wearing a normal dress.

She didnt seem as if she cared.

We drove to the place and there was about 100 people lined up outside.

(If you havent already figured it out, Its may's funeral)

Ran took a deep breath and i squeezed his hand. We stepped out the car and walked to the front of the crowd.

We met with, who im assuming is, may's family and they all greeted eachother.

Marks mum just stood there looking annoyed.

'Toby this is tina, May's sister' Ranboo said.

A girl, about 15, in a white dress hugged me. 'Nice to meet you. Thank you for coming' i replied just as a car pulled up.

We all stood and watched as they unloaded a rainbow striped coffin and carried it inside.

We walked in and sat on the 2nd row of seats, behind tina and her parents.

People walked in behind us and soon the hall was full. It went through and eventually it was time for Ran to speak.

'May was special to me because she always supported me. Though she had hard times she was always there for me. i wish i could have been more there for her. She was like an older sister to me and always an inspiration. She was bisexual and i think her open-ness helped me figure out sooner who i am. She was the first person i told im trans and i couldnt be happier. She supported and helped me. I know she loved disney and it was a big part of her life. She reminds me of peter pan. She continued leading our adventures even if something got in the way'

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