Tape 5

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I am new
I am not moved by lust
I am a not snap on cap but the rugged fixated top that forces you to push
I am not blades of grass swiftly blown to and fro...
I am the wind that tells it so
I am not amused by materialistic ideologies
I am not conned by sly fox apologies... though I'm yet new ... I also have grown old ... ancient to the man that seeks his own ... his own rib to have and to hold ... his housemaker , his nurturer, the key to the one piece of sanity he holds ... we do not live among the crowd , or dwell behind the herd like shadows , we are the equipped , the elite , the women ready for battle . Battles of black family , mental sanity , blind vanity in the midst of racial tragedy . We take high esteem to the correcting family standards . Time escapes us while trying to cure our cultures cancers. We are the healers that turn around negative matters , unjustly patterns and the women that leave patriarchy shattered . We mean well but we are cold .
We seek change not evolving that turns no roads . We are the giant yet delicate souls that sat with rose remained there crying when Malcolm grew cold . They pick pocket they jack our lifestyles .. they do it better than us bc they're opportunities are more agile . Quickly seeking approval from a culture they stole from . Writing new business that includes but not really includes us . We get the kudos but not real offers or credentials. We lack essentials of reparational visuals . Painting us in the picture so we can sell more to Jenner's . Because when you see culture appropriation you don't see all lives matter but I do ! See they don't really see the persecution like we do . Living like you're enthralled in daily voodoo . No I see you rather watch me twerk than help me clean up my brothers blood on the same street your kid walks too . Watching medgar Evers fall flat on his back then cleaning up the blood like it's mildew . Living in a country that is constantly trying to kill you . Now you tell me if you found a BLACK Woman of virtue

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