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I am not useless to a soul that has used me . I am not a night or season to take easily . I am not the outcast waiting on acceptance. I am not an angry black woman being taught a lesson . I am not a test drive to figure out the value . I am not a certain trophy that you dust off every hour. I am not your muse for your ego . I am not the desperate woman who's accepted in the shadows . I am not leisure. I am not a pleasure . I am not the insecure significant other that keeps you all together . I am not the last option you view daily . I am not an mental case you portray to the world by calling me crazy . Im the supporter of all things gone. I am not the artist of your brainwashed song . I am not loving myself less bc you think all black women are "too strong" . I am the present & I carry the future . I am the gene that all races call when they crave exotic features. I am the moon lighting your way through your escape on your shackled feet. I am the hymn of the slaves in the times of selfish greed . I am the seed that keeps on giving . I am the well of life that keeps on living . You cannot escape us bc you hate yourself , that's like getting beat & persecuted for hundreds of years then forgetting how it felt . Love us , protect us , respect us

Black Women ..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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