Do What You Gotta Do

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Third pov

They arrived at the Isle as they parked their bikes.

They all get off their bikes as Mal looks at herself and say

"Hey! I'm me again."

Celia looks at her and say

"Duh! Evil magic doesn't work here. Kind of the point." As she walks off and everyone follow her.

Evie looks at Mal and say

"Oof, welcome back."

Mal smiles saying

"Thank you."

They followed Celia to her father's place as she knocks on the door in a musicly way.

The door knocks back as Celia knocks on it again in a fun way causing Indira and Azari to dance a little bit.

Jay looks at them weird causing us to stop dancing as Indira looked at Jay and say

"What? It's catchy"

Jay chuckles shaking his head as they door opens and we went inside.

Dr.Facilier sees his daughter as he throws his cane at someone and say


Celia runs up to Dad saying


Dr. Facilier picks her up and spins her around before placing her back down saying

"There she is! Ha! Come on!"

They started dancing together saying

"And ooh. And ooh. Whoa! Ooh."

They stopped dancing as Dr. Facilier points to his cheek for a kiss but Celia smiles poking his hat and tries to run but Dr. Facilier smiles and catches her saying

"Hey! Come here, you little rascal. Ah..." As he grabs his cane from the person who was holding it.

He say

"So, what kind of hustle you got going on with them shiny people?"

Celia smirks and say

"No hustle. I got friends on the other side."

Dr. Facilier says

"Ah, I hear you, I hear you."

Celia says

"We're on a mission. I'm kind of a major player, so... that's why I can't stay long."

Dr. Facilier looks at his daughter and say

"You make sure you get your cut."

Celia smiles and nods her head.

Carlos was standing in front of the tv as he puts a coin in and sat down.

The tv came on showing Auradon as the person on the tv say

"Alerts of the sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads throughout Auradon."

Carlos says

"Uh, guys? Come look at this."

Everyone walked over to the tv as the man on the tv says

"There are rumors that Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Audrey, is behind the spell. We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies and which villain has perpetrated this evil. We have an update. It's what? It's moving this way?"

Indira's pov

Me, Akira, Azari, Evie, Carlos, and Jay walked outside as Carlos looks at Jay and say

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