Jay and Indira's wedding/ Epilogue

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Indira's pov


I'm getting married!!!

After weeks of planning, the day finally came.

Mal is my maid of honor and Ben is Jay's best man

Lyra, Akira, Nadia, Uma, Evie, Audrey, and Jane are my Bridesmaids.

Azari, Gil, Carlos, Doug, Chad, Nicolai, and Harry were Jay's groomsmen.

Dizzy and Celia was the flower girls.

Me and the girls were at the place where the wedding was taking place as I was getting my hair and makeup done.

I was sitting in the chair as my leg was shaking causing Evie and Akira to chuckle and say

"Nervous are we?"

I scoffed pretending to not be nervous saying

"No I'm not nervous."

They give me a really look as I sighed saying

"Ok fine I am terrified. What if everything goes wrong? What if he changes his mind? Or What if...."

Lyra walks over to me as she chuckles and say

"Whoa. Breathe ok?"

Nadia looks at me and say

"Everything is going to go as plan."

Uma says

"I agree."

Mal looks at me and say

"And plus I know Jay. He was so in love with you the moment he laid eyes on you."

Jane looks at me and say

"So take a deep breath ok?"

I took a deep breath as Evie looked at me and say


I nod my head saying

"Yeah" as I continue getting ready.

Jay's pov

I was getting ready as I was looking in the mirror fixing my sleeves and tie.

Azari looks at me and say

"Today's the big day man. How you feeling?"

I let out a breath saying

"I'm hella nervous"

Carlos chuckles saying

"Dude, just breathe"

I looked at Carlos saying

"Easy for you to say"

My dad gets up and walks over to me and say

"Don't worry son. Everything is going great ok? You're about to marry the love of your life. Focus on that"

I took a deep breath saying


Azari says

"Well I'm going to check on my sister ok? You finish getting ready" as Azari left.

Indira's pov

Evie and Akira finished doing my hair and makeup as I put on my amazing and beautiful wedding dress.

Indira's wedding dress↓↓↓

Indira's wedding dress↓↓↓

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