Trapped/My Once Upon A Time

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Third pov

Indira, Celia and Uma was some cake talking to each other when Mal came in and looks at Uma saying

"That was a really good idea. To check Audrey's room. Now we know that we're on the right track."

Uma looks at her and say

"Is there an insult in there that I missed?"

Indira nudges her and whisper

"I think she's trying to say thank you."

Mal looks at Uma and chuckle saying

"Just... I wanted to thank you."

Audrey was watching them through the scepter as she gets upset and say

"Ugh! Think you're on the right track? We're not going anywhere. Let's mess them up a little."

Chad looks at her and say

"I say we go back to my place and maybe binge-watch some TV. Huh? Or maybe order some stuff online. Yeah? Yeah. Oh. What about pizza? Huh? You don't like pizza. Salad."

Audrey uses her magic and pushes Chad into a closet closing it and locks it.

Audrey laughs evilly and walks away as Chad yells

"No, no, no. Audrey. Audrey! Audrey!" Banging on the door.

~~~Back Evie's place~~~

The girls was still eating cake as Uma says

"I don't know whose birthday it is, but I want this cake."

Mal, Akira, and Indira chuckles as they ate Jane's cake.

Then Mal looks at Uma and say

"So, I... maybe kinda missed the boat a little bit on calling you Shrimpy and not letting you join the gang."

Uma says

"Yeah. We really could've torn up the Isle together."

Indira smiles saying

"I believe that"

Uma looks at Mal and say

"Do you wanna know where I was the whole time?"

Mal looks at her and nods her head as Uma continue to say

"After what happened between us and I disappear, well I came upon a beach and saw Indira sitting there. So we talked and I told her that I had no where to go because I knew you were going to try and find me. Indira was so nice enough to let me stay in her homeland Wakanda. To get myself together."

Mal looks at her and say

"So you were in Wakanda this whole time?"

Uma nods her head as Indira says

"I didn't tell you because I knew you were going to get upset."

Mal looks at them and say

"I'm not upset ok?" As she gives them a smile.

Then all of sudden, wood planks started appearing on the windows as they gets up.

Celia, Zhang, and Hua came downstairs as Mal says


Akira yells for her cousins

"Zhang!, Hua!"

Celia yells

"We're trapped!"

Evie, Doug, Akira, and Gil came into the living room as Evie says

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