Incorrect Quotes 2

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Jason: "If a window was broken in the woods, but there was no one there to hear it, would it really be broken?"
Damian: "If you were in the woods than yes"

Bart: "Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety, I'll wait"
Cass: "You and me!"
Bart: holding back tears "Ok"

Rose: "Tim annoyed me today so I told him that I can't wait to see what he have planned for our special day tomorrow"
Damian: "There is nothing special about tomorrow"
Rose: "But there is something special about watching the color leave his face as panic takes over"

Jason and Bart making in a restaurant up after a fight
Bart: "I don't deserve your friendship"
Jason: "No, I don't deserve your friendship"
Steph: suppose to be on a date with Jason "I deserve my own table" leaves

Rose: "What? I'm not aggressive!"
Roy: "Last Tuesday, you whacked me with a pair of crocs and stole my chocolate chips?"
Rose: "Survival of the fittest"

Cass: "Sensitive question how flirt boy"
Damian: "Stab him"
Jason: "Hot Dogs"
Tim: "Kill him"
Cass: "Thanks guys"

Stephanie comforting Cass during a break-up
Steph: "Now Cass, if the jewelry wasn't that good and the dinner wasn't that good, what have you really lost here?"
Jason: "Dr.Brown wades in with the brown approach to therapy!"

Bart: "We're going to a candy store?!"
Damian: "No, it's night time candy stores aren't even open"
Jason: "We're going to rob a candy store?!"

Selena: "I still have no idea how I'm attracted to you..."
Bruce: "Yeah, well, you're stuck with me, and no take backs"

Bart: "can you get Bats to autograph a picture for me?"
Jason: "I can try"
Bart: hands him a picture
Jason: "Bart this is a picture of you"

Damian: chopping wood
Bart: nervous "Hey so you know how Cass is single..."
Damian: turns around "Are you trying to tell me something?"
Bart: "Not with that axe in your hand"

Wally: "ugh, being a big brother is so exhausting"
Damian: "I'm so sorry for you" carrying Jason on his back while dragging Tim and holding Dick in his other arm with Cass attached to his leg

Tim: "If Wally and Starfire were trapped in a building who would you save?"
Damian: "Wally"
Jason: "I know it"
Damian: "Kori is more than capable of getting herself out West would trip on absolutely nothing and knock himself out"

Rose: "Are you happy?"
Tim: "I've got a beautiful wife, Lovely daughter, comfortable home, good job, I guess I'm reasonably happy"
Rose: "Why only 'reasonably'?"
Tim: "I would be ecstatically happy if you were an orphan"
Rose: "Another remark like that and I'll be a widow"

Tim: "one cup of coffee"
Barista: "Ok, So is she your girlfriend girlfriend, or are you just talking"
Rose: pushes Tim out of way "If I kill you would you be dead dead or just not breathing"

Steph: "Where's Rose?"
Ro: "Mom said that she didn't feel like putting up with Uncle Damian's over-inflated ego today"
Tim: "I don't think she meant for you to repeat that honey"
Ro: "Then why did she tell to"

Cass: "Guys, I've been meaning to tell you... Bart and I are dating"
Bart, Dick, Wally, and Jason: gasp
Cass: "Bart, why are you surprised?!"

Damian: "If anything happens your going to the police with a signed confession"
Tim: "I have nothing to confess"
Damian: "I'll write it you just sign it"

Stephanie gets left at WE by herself
Damian:"Well, I better get over there before she brings the whole company down"
Tim:"It's only been three hours, How much damage could she really do?"
Narrator:"In three hours, Stephanie had done $45,000 in damage"

Steph:"The floor is lava!" Standing in chair
Cass: helps Bart onto the counter
Damian:kicks Rose off the sofa
Tim: lays on the floor
Steph :" ...Are you okay?"
Tim: "No"

Damian:Wakes up to Tim leaning over his bed
Tim:"Want to hear a fun fact?"
Damian:"Can't I'm allergic"
Tim:"To fun facts?"
Damian:"No to you"
Tim:"You're Allergic to me?'
Damian:"I'm Allergic to anyone who breaks into my house at four in the morning"

Steph:"I'm thinking of changing my name" climbing through Jason's window
Jason:"Steph it's four in the morning"
Steph:"Since your Red Robin now I thought maybe something like red bat"
Steph:"Or violet bat!"
Steph:"Oh what about Violent bat?!"
Jason:"It is four in the mornings"
Steph:"You right that sounds more like Damian, Cass is batgirl maybe she'll let me be Black bat"
Jason: roles over to go to sleep
Steph:"Do you think Batman will let me be robin?"
Jason: screams into his pillow

Tim: walks in bar as the red hood
Bartender: "The usual Mr.Hood" sets glass in front of him
Guy across the bar: "I'll have what he's having"
Bartender: "here you go" sets down a dark dink in front of him
Guy: takes a sip "Hey this is just coffee and Dr.pepper!"
Tim: turns to face the Guy "You got a problem with that?"
Guy: "No sir!" Chugs down drink

Oliver:"Aren't you worried that Damian will be a bad Influence on Wally?"
Barry:"Honestly I'm more worried that Wally will be a bad Influence on Damian"
Damian and Wally: setting in a shopping cart as Wally holds rope tied to the back of a truck with Roy in the Driver seat
Damian:"Are you sure this is what normal children do?"
Wally:"Absolutely, come on Roy start the truck!"

Jason:"So I see you got a girlfriend shorty"
Damian:"Why haven't you mentioned this Richard?"
Dick:"Can't I have a life outside this family"
Tim:"You know the deal either you spill or on your next date we all follow you around in a white van"

Slade:"Why on Earth would you date Tim"
Rose:"He's a innocent little nerd who needs protecting"
Tim: Kicks down door holding two large guns "Okay listen here you piece of-"

Tim: Returning from a long mission
Jason and Dick;"TIM!!!"
Tim:"Well if it isn't my favorite baby birds" bends down to give them each a hug
Cass: Jumps down next to them
Tim: "And My favorite sister" gives her a hug
Damian and Wally:Walks over to join them
Tim:"And my favorite big brother...oh and Damian's here too"

Dick:"How do you know when they're the one?"
Cass:"I knew the moment Bart crashed into the bat computer"
Jason:"When Steph started sassing the Batman"
Damian:"When Kori punched a giant Alien in the face"
Tim:"When Rose held a knife to my throat"
Everyone:"..." staring worriedly at Tim

Roy:on the phone with Tim "I think my apartment is budged"
Tim:"You're just being paranoid now get you're arrows off the floor before Lian grabs them"

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