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When you got to your room you made good on your wishes and stripped yourself of the maid costume and slipped on sweats and a tank top, after taking a relaxing shower. You'd thrown your apron and costume in the laundry basket, you weren't going to clean it tonight, hoping you could use it being dirty as an excuse to wear normal clothing tomorrow. 

You now layed in your bed, eyes glued to the ceiling as you thought of how to kick this mission into high gear. Your best bet was to turn off the power in the building, disabling their security cameras and use that time to plant microphones, you wanted to skip out on cameras since the reflectivity of them could sometimes make them easy to spot. It would be impossible to bring your computer into the headquarters so you'd need to get some bugs that'd be capable of sending the feed back to Naomi's apartment, which was a few kilometers away. Good thing technology is as advanced as it was. With that sorted all you had to decide now was how to bring the cameras in. Sneaking them up your ass was out of the question, there were some lines you were unwilling to cross for a mission. 

You bit your tongue as you racked your mind for an idea. Suddenly, you flew up in your bed as you thought of it, blueberries! You'd need an excuse to get blueberries but you could easily hide the mics in the carton of fruit, it'd blend in seamlessly. You had a bunch of microphones at your new apartment if you could find an excuse to get there... maybe a recipe book? Naomi definitley had one of those.  With a smile on your face you settled on your plan and rolled out of your bed, your stomach suddenly growling with hunger. 

You tiptoed to the kitchen and took the spaghetti and bread out of the fridge, warming it up in the microwave. You munched on the salad while you waited. 

"Isn't it late to be eating?" A gravelly spoice spoke from the side of you, your head turned to see Kakucho standing, his elbows resting on the counter of the island. Your eyes slided to the clock, it was nine. 

You shrugged, "I'm a mother now, neglecting my needs to the last minute comes with the territory." You joked as you placed the empty salad bowl in the sink and grabbed your plate of food from the microwave. A genuinely confused look spread across Kakucho's face and you resisted the urge to smile at the cute expression. 

"You're pregnant?" He asked, alarm on his face, you read his thoughts through his expression. He was feeling reserved about killing a pregnant women once they inevitably had to let you go at some point. 

"No," you laughed, "since I've been taking care of you guys like I'm your mommy." 

"Oh..." A light blush was on his face. His scar made him look tough but his demeanor was quite timid. "Well, our chef will be back tomorrow." He reminded, you nodded your head as you took a bite of bread. Suddenly you expression lit up, this was your chance, you quickly swallowed the food in your mouth. 

"Um, actually, about that..." You paused, thinking on how to word this. "I was thinking, to commemorate the beginning of my job... Duties, officially... I could cook you guys one last meal?" Kakucho thought on your words for a minute before letting out a short sure. 

"I was thinking blueberry pancakes?" 

"If you'd like?" His voice was raised at the end, as though he was unsure what to say. 

"We don't have blueberries... and there's this recipe I really like but it's at my apartment... So do you think you, or any one! Could bring me there? And to the grocery store?" You watched Kakucho with hawk like eyes while he contemplated. You weren't supposed to be in and out of the apartment during the week, Sunday only, so they wouldn't have to do checks on your being every second. But there also wasn't anything in particular that said you were confined here. As long as you were accompanied it should be fine, right? He was wrong, so wrong in fact, he had no idea know his next words would be begin the downfall of B-

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