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You walked into the headquarters, hands and legs frigid from the wind licking against it during your drive. You set your helmet down on the counter while you began looking through the fridge, there was plenty of fresh ingredients but nothing to eat.

You groaned in unison with your stomach grumbling. You sat on the counter, head in your phone looking at restaurants with delivery when someone clearing their throat brought your attention to them. You stared at Rindou for a couple of seconds, his red plaid pajama bottoms hanging loosely on his hips and white tank exposing his toned arms.

"Hi." You spoke, returning your attention back to your phone. Pizza... Chinese... Italian...

"Whatcha looking at?" He inquired, standing between your legs and peering down at your phone.

"Something to eat... You got any suggestions?" You looked up at him then, your guys' noses only centimeters apart. His lavender eyes bore into yours before he blinked, taking your phone to look at the options, lips bunched to the side in thought. Your heart jumped at his expression, he always made whatever he was focused on seem like it was the most important task in the world. You jumped off the counter then, your body sliding against his in the process, sparks lingering where you two had touched.

"You can pick something for us to eat, oh, get something for the others if they want it too! I'm going to shower, I smell like death, literally." You smiled, walking to your room. Rindou's gaze never left your phone, eyebrows scrunched at the abundance of choices, only letting out a 'yeah, yeah' of acknowledgement.

You took your time in the shower, water scorching hot and double cleansing everything to ensure you had all remnants of your day down the drain. You squeezed the excess water from your hair and wrapped a white fluffy towel around your body. After drying your skin and applying lotion you put on a pair of boxer shorts and a cropped tank, sliding on slippers to protect your feet from the cool ground you began making your way to the kitchen. The aroma of food immediately filled your nose once you were a few feet from the dining room. Your mouth dropped open at the sheer amount of food Rindou had ordered.

He was sat at the table, dozens of counters opened in front of him.

"Holy fuck." You said, had he ordered something from everywhere?

"I couldn't decide."

"I see that. Where's everyone else?"

Rindou tilted his head to the side, "It's just us?"

"Rindou!" You exclaimed, a surprised look on your face. "We can't finish all this..."

"Well, you'd better try. You barely eat." He scolded, lips set in a light a pout. You gave him a sheepish smile before grabbing a set of chopsticks and digging into the first thing you saw as you sat down beside him.

"Yummy." You vocalized, utensils drifting to another container of food and trying it. Rindou watched you eat for a few minutes before rubbing his hands together and digging in to the nearest dish to him.

Feeling the need for a sweet your fingers grabbed a slice of baklava, it's syrupy sweetness filling your tongue. You let out a squeal of delight before holding up your piece to Rindou to taste. "Here, it's so good." You encouraged, the dessert in front of his lips. Rindou put the piece in his mouth and chewed slowly, a light blush coming over his face at the sweet taste. You smiled, lightly licking your fingers of the syrup and he watched your tongue flick with fascination. Wiping your fingers on a napkin you went back to eating, the two of you had barely made a dent in the food and yet your stomach was swelling with overfilling.

"We need reinforcements." You sighed, leaning back in your chair and rubbing your stomach.

As if on cue, Sanzu, Ran, Kakucho and Takeomi walked in, following the trailing scent of food.

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