❀ Chapter 13 ❀

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We arrive at the impressive Covent Garden Theatre. Such an imposing stone building with its Baroque revival architecture. Inside there is a large lobby area with vast staircases rising to either side. I am struck by the high ceiling, it is so far above me, so much like the sky that I could forget it is even there. The elegantly dressed London elite socialize in the lobby. I work hard not to let my mouth hang open.

My Aunt and Uncle Tufton socialize with their friends while Bea and I scour the crowd for William. He smiles as his eyes catch mine across the room and I see him bow to the group and make his way toward us. I can't help but notice the back of Edmund with Miss Dubois hanging off his arm. Bea points out that they even look suited to one another from the back. I wish Regina would choose to hang on some other man. The image of a leech hanging off one's leg after swimming enters my mind when I look at her. Not the kindest of thoughts. Sorry.

William's bright smile is the antidote to my melancholy thoughts. "Lord and Lady Tufton." He bows. "Miss Tufton, Miss Cavendish. I am so glad you were able to join me tonight. He holds arms out for Bea and I then leads the way up the stairs to his box.

When we reach the top of the stairs there are a series of seemingly never ending doors that curve around to both sides. William opens one and waves us in. It is a little room with an open front to the theater. The floor is higher by the door in the back, then a step down to the front of the box. There are three chairs on the lower part and three chairs on the higher step. 

I step down and walk to the railing and again I am struck by the opulence and enormity of it all. Below us are rows and rows of seats that are starting to fill up. The seats are facing the stage which is both far away and large in size so I find it difficult to process the vastness of what is before me. I notice the Greek style carvings above the stage, the gilded carved panels to the sides, the intricate domed ceiling above us. To the left and right on our level and for several levels above us sit many separated seating areas, each with about five or six seats.

William comes over to stand next to me and smiles knowingly at my expression, "So, what do you think? Is it all you imagined it would be?"

I smile at him, "You give me much more merit than I deserve if you think I could imagine anything this grand." I look back out at the beauty of it. "I'm going to savor every minute of tonight so that I can think back on it until I am old."

William looks surprised, "Why should you need to keep the memory so long? Now that you have been here, you do not anticipate returning?"

I look back at William with a small smile, "I would love to return if there is an opportunity, Lord Saville. But I need to be somewhat realistic. There is a very good chance that in a few months I will be a governess to a family in the North.

William's face registers shock, "Surely not!" His reaction makes me think I should not have mentioned it.

My hand reaches out to touch his arm in comfort. "I am sorry to surprise you. I would have thought that Edmund might have explained my situation to you." He looks concerned now but shakes his head. "Edmund has bought me at least another month but the original plan was for me to have a few weeks to find a husband then move into service."

William takes my hand, rubbing his fingers over the back of it. "I have no doubt you will find a suitor, half the men in London are already smitten with you, Miss Cavendish."

My head tips back in laughter at his comment. "Lord Saville, I had never realized until this moment that you were prone to such exaggeration. You always gave the impression of being such a sensible gentleman. Rest assured that I do hope to find a husband, but I think it may be likely that even if I do, the opera will not be a feasible indulgence." I see in his expression that he understands. 

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