❀ Chapter 19 ❀

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I find myself at the far end of the table from Edmund, which doesn't surprise me as my rank is quite low. At least Regina isn't next to me. Or him. I am seated next to Edmund's mother who sits at the foot of the table. She has been enjoyable to talk with again tonight. She and William reminisced over stories about when Edmund and he were young. It was fun to hear about Edmund as a child, he was a little bit of a prankster.

I have just now been introduced to Mr. Jonathan Goddard who is seated to my right. He is much more handsome than I imagined. Even more attractive than Mr. Wimple, I think. But not the type of good looks that makes your heart race and your knees go weak, like a certain Earl I am fond of looking at.

The first course comes and it is the brazed shrimp on toast with herbed butter. I wonder if more shrimp have arrived because everyone has a set of three. I have not been to such a formal dinner before so I watch Edmund's mother carefully for cues about which utensils to use and when to eat what. I pop a shrimp in my mouth and it is a burst of flavor. I am so glad we went with this hors d'oeuvres instead of soup. Everyone is raving over the delicious taste. Even Edmund's mother says, "Edmund, I don't remember having this dish before. We should definitely put it into the regular rotation."

Edmund's eyes find mine and I see approval shining there. I smile back warmly. "I agree mother, it was Miss Cavendish's suggestion." Then he turns to talk to the people around him and his mother compliments me.

Mr. Goddard watched the interaction between Edmund and me. "How did you and Lord Westworth meet, Miss Cavendish?"

I refuse to tell him that I tumbled down the stairs at Edmund's feet and he came to see if I was recovered. "Lord Westworth asked me to dance at the Almack's ball."

Mr. Goddard has turned in his seat to face me, he raises his eyebrow. He has a confident demeanor, so different from the shyness of Mr. Wimple. "Not the famous 'first dance', surely?"

I can't help but smile, "Yes, actually. Although he danced with many women that night."

His eyes confidently rake me up and down. "So you are the one then. Have you already had proposals?"

I can't help but laugh at this question, and I see Edmund's eyes snap to me so I try to quiet down some. "No, not at all. I'm sure the tradition has ended this year when he chose me. Either I will become the exception to the rule or I'll have ended this silly tradition all together."

Mr. Goddard cocks his head to the side, "I think you greatly underestimate yourself, Miss Cavendish. I would not be surprised if your popularity surpasses the girls from year's past."

Again, I can't help but laugh. I try to do it quieter though. I glance at Edmund and he is still looking at me, but everyone else is laughing and talking so I don't see why I can't. "Well, you would be mistaken then, Mr. Goddard. I assure you I have very little to recommend myself as a wife."

"Hmmm, I have difficulty believing it. Tell me about yourself." His eyes don't leave me as I talk.

I tell him where I was raised and that my father recently died and I am now living with my aunt and her family. Then I ask him to tell me about himself.

"I am the youngest of four brothers. The oldest helps my father run the family estate. My other brothers are both in the military and are currently stationed in India. And I, as you know, am the pastor at the Woburn Church of Christ." Several different supper courses are brought and taken away as we converse. He tells me more about his childhood and I talk a little of mine.

"Did you always want to be a clergyman, Mr. Goddard?" I take a bite of chicken with a cream sauce. It is quite nice.

He smiles as he remembers, "When I was young I was so impressed by our pastor. Every Sunday the whole congregation sat and raptly listened to him as he spoke. Influential people went to him for advice. My parents told me how important he was to our community. I decided from an early age I wanted to be just like him."

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