❀ Chapter 15 ❀

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We have a simple but tasty supper of roast beef and potatoes. I'm fairly certain the cook is saving the fanciest food for when the rest of the guests arrive. I can barely eat anything in my excitement to be here. Edmund sits at the head of the table with Bea to his left and his mother to his right. I sit next to Bea and my aunt sits next to Lady Westworth. I have no idea of how seating is arranged, I know it can be quite complicated. If I were to make a seating arrangement, I would put people together who would enjoy talking. But I have learned that it is much more about rank including gender and marital status. Beyond that, I have no idea. This is just one of the many skills as a lady where I am wanting. 

Bea has been talking through the whole meal, and I have no idea how she is getting anything to eat with the amount of talking she is doing. Edmund's eyes catch mine every few minutes. He has a look in his eye that tells me he wants to roll his eyes or wink at me or some such inappropriate thing. 

I think Lady Westworth has noticed I have his attention and the slight frown on her face says she does not approve. Perhaps he has not told her that he is merely helping me to find a suitor. Surely she wouldn't disapprove of that. I try not to look at him for the rest of the meal to make her happy. She was gracious about our arrival even though it was a day earlier than she was expecting us. Edmund explained to her that he wanted us here to help, although we haven't helped with anything yet. I keep thinking about when I will be able to sneak back into the library and peruse the books at my leisure.

Edmund's eyes flash to my plate. He has noticed that I've barely taken a bite. The butterflies that are excitedly flapping in my stomach are making it difficult to eat properly. "How do you find the roast, Miss Cavendish?"

Now I am required to take a bite so I can answer his question. I stare at him a bit as I take a bite and chew it fully before answering. I know I am unable to keep all the irritation out of my eyes. I fix a smile on my face. "Delicious, Lord Westworth. Thank you for asking." 

He seems unaffected by my annoyance except that he chuckles just a bit. "Good, glad to hear it."


Once we are finished with dinner, we all go through to the drawing room together. Edmund does not stay behind since he has no men to smoke and drink with. He catches Bea's attention as soon as we enter the salon, "Miss Tufton, I was hoping you could look over the seating arrangement for tomorrow's dinner and inform me if there are any concerns you have." He holds out a paper with the seating diagrammed on it. 

"Certainly, Lord Westworth. I would be happy to help you with your seating." Bea gives him a wide smile, seemingly eager to help. She brings the paper over near her mother so they can look at it together. My aunt looks pleased that Edmund trusts Bea with the important task. No doubt this is one of the duties his future wife would have.

Edmund takes my hand and leads me to the couch where he sits down next to me. I realize that he is much more comfortable holding my hand here in his home than he was in London. His mother doesn't seem to notice our clasped hands. I wonder if his comfort level will lessen when the other guests arrive. I am enjoying the feel of my hand in his.

He is sitting close to me on the couch. Sometimes it is difficult for me to remember to breathe when his attention is solely on me. "Miss Cavendish, I was hoping you could look at the first few menus with me and see if they are to your liking." We look over breakfast, luncheon, and supper menus. 

"Everything sounds delicious." I hesitate to criticize, but then he did ask my opinion, so I push on. "Are you to offer the same breakfast everyday or just for the first three days?"

Edmund frowns a bit, "I am not sure."

"Toast and jam with plum cake is a nice enough breakfast, to be sure. But... I wonder if offering eggs one day would be a nice treat. Or perhaps adding some pork, just for variety." I try to give my opinion as an off-handed suggestion so I don't appear to be bossy or critical. I felt I needed to say something because the same breakfast everyday seems tending toward boring.

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