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It has been well over a month since Peter Parker got his body back from the infamous Dr. Otto Octavius, formally known as Doctor Octopus. So far the 27-year old brown-haired man from New York has been dealing with the aftermath, such as Mary Jane Watson officially ending their relationship and cutting him out of her life. Let's not forget his ex, Black Cat, trying to rise up the ranks in the criminal underworld and pretty much swore vengeance against Spider-Man the next time they cross paths.

Speaking of which, some of her hired goons were trying to pull off a heist at a nearby jewelry store late in the night. Peter was watching this go down on top of a building across the street with his iconic red and blue suit with black web lines on the red parts. He took a deep breath through his nose and breathed out.

"This is it. Showtime!" Peter said as he put his mask back on and shot a web-line out of his right wrist and jumped off the building over to where the action is. Time for the element of surprise.

Black Cat's thugs were doing a smash and grab. There were four of them, and they were breaking display cases and grabbing whatever that was valuable. It was a simple job that in her own words, "even a moron wouldn't screw this up." However, they didn't count on the webslinger to actually show up.

Spider-Man whistled at them to get their attention as he was on the ceiling which caught them by surprise.

"Shouldn't you fine folk be doing something worthwhile in your lives for once," Spider-Man quipped.

"Ah, crap! It's him!" One of the thugs shouted but his three partners took off with the loot, knowing who Spider-Man is, this was already a losing battle, "What the?! GET BACK HERE YOU-"

He was cut off as Spidey kicked the thug down on the ground, dropping his bag full of stolen goods, and webbing the thug up. The other three pulled out their weapons and fired at Peter, but his heightened senses were able to make him dodge all in-coming projectiles. Peter shoots webs at their eyes in order to temporarily blind the crooks and seizing the opportunity to take their weapons out of their hands. They were able to pull the webbing out of their eyes and discover that Spider-Man has their guns inside a web-like bag that he made in one hand.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!" Spider-Man wagged his finger at them in a taunting manner.

The three stooges looked at one another and decided to have the "smart" idea to charge at him.

"They never learn," Spider-Man sighed as he ducked and dodged their punches as if he was simply having too much fun toying with them.

"Alright! Fun's over," Spider-Man makes quick work of the three as he knocks out one thug, kicks the wind out the second thug and he dodges the last thug's punch by doing a split and punching him right in the family jewels.

"Oooh! That's gotta sting," Spider-Man winced as he couldn't help but feel sorry for the last guy. Before the crooks get the chance to recover, Peter webbed them up as quickly as possible before the authorities arrive.

"It's such a shame of how far you've fallen, Cat. Using generic boneheads to do your dirty work instead of doing it yourself. That's totally not your style," Spider-Man said to himself as he shakes his head in disappointment. A part of him had hoped that there was still good in his old ex-girlfriend, but now he's afraid that the Black Cat he once knew was too far gone.

The sound of police sirens broken Peter's train of thought as it was time make himself scarce but not before he leaves his signature calling card.

Several NYPD cop cars pulled up at the jewelry store and officers broke through the door with their guns drawn only to find that the four perpetrators were already tied up in webbing practically gift wrapped. Stuck to them was a small piece of paper, and one of the officers read it out loud:

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