ISSUE 3: Birds of a Feather!

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Peter was having a quick look around Harry's lair and saw several costumes behind some glass showcases. He recognized Ollie and Mattie's uniforms but the other two were a complete mystery to him. There was one that caught his interest as this outfit was almost a spitting image of the costume that Peter is wearing at the moment except it was white and black with white eye lenses.

"Those were the days..."

He turned to his right to see Harry standing next to him admiring the costume.

"The days when I was once a sheltered brat who was so naive about the greater world around me," Harry reminisced while staring at his old spandex costume. "It's been so long since I wore that thing."

"I don't know. I kinda like this one. It looks more...hopeful," Peter said as Harry pondered at what Peter meant by that.

"Now that we are working together, you and I are gonna have to establish a few ground rules," Harry informed.

"What do you mean?" Peter asked while raising a brow.

"What I mean is that we can't have two Spider-Men running around the city in different colored costumes. If you going to be operating in this dimension, then at least come up with an alternative identity for the time being so that we can avoid confusion," Harry firmly stated.

"I suppose that's fair I guess," Peter reluctantly agreed but Harry did bring up a good point though. "But I'm not so sure if I am ready to part ways with my red and blues just yet."

"It's only temporary, Pete," Harry reiterated as they were walking around the lair.

"Quite the man cave you've built but personally I rather not have those murder machines anywhere near me in my opinion," Peter pointed to the antique Spider-Slayers that were behind the display cases and the Living Brain in the center of the lair.

"They're mementos that I have collected over course of my career. Besides you don't need to worry about them as I have made sure that they are completely shut down," Harry reassured his best friend that the slayers and robots were harmless.

Peter walked towards a hi-tech gray containment jar that was storing something. He wasn't sure what exactly but he sensed that it felt familiar and troubling to him. Peter was about to put his hand towards the jar until Harry snapped him out.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you..."

"What's inside this bug jar?" Peter turned his attention over to Harry who was glaring at the jar.

"The less you know the better," Harry said as he didn't take his eyes off of it.

Harry decided to cut the tour of the lair short and escorted Peter back up to the penthouse so that they could have Mortimer's cooking in the dining room.

"You're in for a real treat. I told Mortimer about your favorite food in the whole wide world," Harry put his hand on Peter's shoulder and walking him up the stair.

"If Morty is making wheatcakes, then you sir have made a friend for life!" Peter excitedly chuckled as they both shared a laugh.

While they were conversing with one another, a sentient black slime-like organism was pressing up against the jar from the inside...


The Galby Building serves as the headquarters of crime lord and elderly supervillain, Silvio Manfredi, who was currently in his office sitting behind his desk coming up with new plans for heists with his confidant and business partner, Adrian Toomes.

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