ISSUE 5: Lightning in a Bottle!

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"...How?" Harry was going over the extensive damage to the Spider-Mobile, and it turns out there were a huge dent to the car door on the driver side. He turned his head over to the young couple in front of him that was currently getting grilled by their mentor.

"When you said that you may have put a "scratch" on the car, I didn't think it would be like this," Harry groaned as he motioned his hand to the damage. "Who did you hit? Wile E. Coyote?"

"In our defense, we were trying to get to you guys in time. We accidentally hit a fire hydrant on our way to Mysteria's hideout," Ollie rubbed the back of his neck out of embarrassment and Harry quirked a brow.

"This car could withstand a missile with its Adamantium coating, but somehow this could make a dent with you behind the wheel," Harry sighed as he rubbed his temples. "Hobie and Bob aren't going to believe this."

"We could've taken my bike, but Quentin took it out for a spin when he decided to go out for Korean BBQ out of all nights," Ollie lamented.

"As much as I like to hear you guys harp about your rides, we got bigger problems here," Mattie said as she was sitting down near the super computer and she was replaying the news report about the supervillains that escaped last night on the Bugle News Network.

"Four brave men lost their lives as these cowardly band of super-powered degenerates ambushed them to help their fellow comrades escape from custody. Where was that wall-crawling miscreant when they really needed him?" Jameson sneered as he was reporting the news behind the desk.

Harry turned off the monitor and lowered his head down in shame. Ollie and Mattie both saw that he was beating himself up over it.

"It's not your fault, Harry," Oliver put his hand on his mentor's shoulder. "You couldn't have known that this whole Mysteria debacle was a diversion."

"That's the thing, Ollie. I should have been prepared for this sort of situation. The 'Six' have now reunited, and they're up to something. I'm not even sure what I'm afraid," Harry argued.

"You can't always be on top of everything. Where's Peter by the way?" Mattie inquired only for Harry who sighed to himself.

"Peter's up on the balcony. He's still upset with me that I didn't tell the whole truth about Mysteria," Harry explained to his proteges.


Peter was sitting down at the table alone on the balcony working on his web-shooters with a screwdriver while looking out into the city as it has already gotten quite dark outside.

He was vexed that his friend didn't divulge Mysteria's true identity to him. Goes to show what little trust that he had with the wall-crawler. It was made abundantly clear to him that this was not the same Harry Osborn that he's normally acquainted with as the Harry back on his world can be sometimes meek and full of himself and tries his best to be courteous with one another while this Harry comes off as highly paranoid for his own good. As Peter was repairing his equipment, he heard the noise of someone opening the door from behind him.

"Would you like some tea, Master Parker?"

Peter looked over his shoulder to see Mortimer carrying a tray of tea with both hands.

"Thanks, Mort, but could you drop the "Master" part. This isn't actually my real home," Peter sighed as he accepted the teacup and put it on the table.

"If you insist, Mr. Parker," Mortimer said as he couldn't help but notice that Peter was feeling frustrated for the moment and he wasn't down in the lair with the others. "Is there something troubling you?"

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