ISSUE 2: Reunions and Reflections!

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Back at the mansion, Mortimer was tidying up around the house while Harry was off doing whatever as Spider-Man until he heard the door to the balcony opening up and saw that Osborn has returned along with Ollie and Mattie, who were still in their costumes. However, he didn't recognize the person who also came with them and was garbed in red and blue that looked remarkable similar to the outfit Harry was wearing.

"Welcome back, young masters. I didn't know we would be inviting a guest over tonight," Mortimer alluded to Peter since he was in the room with them.

"Relax, Mortimer. He's a friend of mine. Well, technically a version of an old friend who's from another universe," Harry awkwardly explained. Mortimer looked to both Mattie and Ollie to get a decent answer.

"Don't look at us. We're just as lost as you," Ollie shrugged who was still couldn't a grasp on the situation.

"Allow me to introduce all of you to a variant of my best friend, Peter Parker, who says that he's Spider-Man from a world called Earth-616," Harry said as Peter took off his mask again as a sign of trust.

"Wait. Are you that Peter Parker?" Mortimer curiously asked.

"I take it that you heard of me?" Peter shook the amphibious mutant's hand.

"Harry used to talk a lot about you whenever he was feeling down. He always talked about the good times when the both of you were in high school," Mortimer stated.

"What? I didn't meet Harry well not technically you until college," Peter raised an eyebrow and looked back at Harry.

"I guess there are some slight differences between our two dimensions," Harry said as they walk and talk.

"Slight would be an understatement," Peter chuckled.

Why don't we do some compare and contrast? Come, we'll discuss more in my study," Harry said leaving the rest of the people present in the room confused.

"Wait. What are me and Mattie gonna do while you two go off to your office regaling?" Ollie asked as he was perplexed that his mentor is even entertaining this idea.

"Why don't you lovebirds just kick back and enjoy the rest of your dinner date in the dining room? If you want? Mortimer can reheat some of the leftovers that we had from earlier," Harry recommended.

"Actually sir I kinda...may have ate all of the cacciatore when you left?" Mortimer rubbed the back of neck out of embarrassment.

"Why am I not surprised?" Harry said rhetorically as Peter chuckled to himself.

"It's cool. Me and Ollie have our to go boxes in our backpacks. We'll go on to continue our date while you two have some catching up to do," Mattie was skeptical at first but understood as the two Spider-Men needed some alone time to get acquainted with one another. The two proteges decided to continue their date night in the dining room.

"So...before all this went down, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" Mattie inquired.

"Oh...I just wanted to say happy anniversary. It was the day when I finally had the guts to take you out on our first date," Ollie nervously said as he clutches the ring box that his mother gave him in his pocket. She said to save it for that special someone, but thanks to what's currently going on right now he puts it on the back burner.

The two Spider-Men were both in Harry's office sitting down in armchairs next to a warm fireplace. The room was impeccably cozy to say the least but Peter could feel more at ease if there wasn't a huge portrait of Norman Osborn and his wife, Emily Osborn, hanging over the fireplace. Mortimer brought them two small glasses filled with ice while Harry stood up and walked over to a sixteenth century globe bar that had some bottles of Crystal Pepsi stored within it near his desk.

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