ISSUE 1: New World, New Problems!

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A man in a light blue pinstripe suit with a black dress shirt and red tie and his goons who were all dressed in black suits with matching sunglasses were waiting inside a warehouse as they have business to conduct. It was a gathering of five people in a room with lamps overhead, and to the pass the time two goons were playing cards with each other, one was on his phone playing a mobile game, another one was reading a vintage comic book from the 1960s. The man in blue who was clearly the leader of this outfit took out a cigarette to calm his nerves, and there was something worth noting as this man had an abnormally large and thick head which was reminiscent of a Dick Tracy villain. The person was both feared and respected in the New York underworld as the Big Man of Crime's top enforcer and goes by the name, Hammerhead.

"They're late! I don't like to be kept waiting," Hammerhead rolled up his sleeve to view the time on his Rolex watch as it was already 8:00 PM.

One of the men who was playing a game on the phone received a text telling them that the others are at the same warehouse and to open the garage door. "Hammerhead, the fellas are here."

The large garage door raised up and a red semi-trailer truck entered the warehouse. Three men also in suits exited the truck and the driver had a grin on his face.

"Christmas came early!" The driver, Louie, said as that made Hammerhead grin as well. "We come bearing gifts!" They all went near the end of the trailer and opened the door to find numerous crates that had a Tricorp logo on them.

"They were going through an absorption by some hotshot fashion mogul and rumor has it that they were pulling out of the weapons business. Since they weren't gonna to use these bad boys, I say that we put them to good use! Huh?!" Hammerhead told his goons as they were opening up crates with crowbars and inside were multiple futuristic guns and caches.

"Nobody is gonna stand a chance against the Big Man's crew now with this kind of firepower! Not the Crime Master's gang and certainly not Spider-Man!" Hammerhead boasted while his goons cheered.

"Don't be so sure of that!" A new voice echoed.

All of the lights mysteriously turned off at once leaving the room completely dark.

"Who turned off the lights!"

"I can't see!!"

"Cool it ya mooks!! Just gotta find the blasted fuse box!" Hammerhead conveniently had a flashlight on hand to shine a light around the room. He saw a dark shadow darted past him which spooked some of his men.

"W-What was that?" One of the thugs said, but Hammerhead shushed him. The dark figure kept going in and out of view which unsettled some of the people present and infuriated the mob enforcer further and further.

"SHOW YOURSELF?!!" Hammerhead roared as he finally found the figure who was perched on the corner of the ceiling.

It was this universe's variant of Spider-Man who had on the white and black suit with the black lenses that had infrared vision which allowed him to see in the dark. Modified web-shooters on each wrist that were sort of similar to the ones that Ben Reilly used to wore.

"Boo," Spider-Man blankly said.

"It's the freakin' Spider!!" One of the goons said.

"What am I paying ya Boneheads for! Take him out!" Hammerhead ordered his men as they grabbed the stolen weapons and aimed at Spider-Man.

Spider-Man leaped off and miraculously dodged the incoming bullets thanks to his superb human senses, kicking one of the thug's in the chest and slamming two of them on the ground hard. He shot a web-line at a another one dragging him towards the wall-crawler and performed a solid take down. The remaining thugs close by had the guns pointed at him, but Spider-Man took out a device that would disable the weapons in the area rendering them useless.

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