"So Tiger, I've got to ask, what are you doing here?" Mary Jane asked while taking a sip of her drink.
"Well, I was just exploring the city when I came across this place. I smelt the booze coming from inside and decided that I needed a drink." He shrugged his shoulders in response.
Mary Jane nodded her head in acceptance, even if she was still a bit curious about this mystery man.
"If you don't mind me asking, why are you in a bar anyway? I now it's kind of hypocritical of me to ask that since I'm also here, but I'm kind of curious." He asked his own question.
He could see that she stiffened for a second before trying to play everything off.
So it was a touchy subject. Alright, that's fine, he also had a lot of things he didn't want to talk about. He had to make a note of that for future reference though.
He was going to leave her alone but after a few minutes, she decided to speak up.
"This is the only bar in New York that will allow an underaged person to drink...I come here pretty often." She mumbled while tracing her finger against the rim of her glass.
Peter stoped and looked at the girl, actually looked at her. He wasn't stupid, he knew people had reasons for why they did certain things. Something must be happening with MJ for her to resort to alcohol.
Now don't get him wrong, he always loves a good drink, every once an awhile.
But if she came here often, then something else is wrong.
But for some reason, Peter felt like he wanted to help her...
Maybe it was the guilt of his past trying to redeem him from all the bad he's done, all the lives he ruined, all the blood on his ledger.
But for some reason, he just wanted to help her.
Even though he hated women...
Well... most women that is. Yelena would always have a special place in his heart.
"Do you have someplace to stay while you're, you know... drunk." He asked, somewhat hesitant.
If he's learned anything from the last decade of his life, it's that sometimes(actually very often), women don't like to be asked certain questions about their life.
Let's just hope she took this better than someone at The Red Room would've...
She looked at him from the corner of her eye before turning the opposite direction, "No, my aunt doesn't know that I do this. She thinks I'm at a friends house."
"You could crash at my place until you sober up." He proposed, and she immediately twirled her head around to stare at him in shock.
She couldn't believe what she was hearing.
Here was this random teenager, not any older than her, telling her she could crash at his place so she didn't have to tell her aunt about what she does when she's not home. Well then again, he looked a bit older than her, but for some reasoned she could tell he's the same age as her.
She narrowed her eyes at him in confusion.
She honestly couldn't get a read on him. He wasn't small in stature, in fact he had a build similar to that of Capitan America, or Thor.
However she could see the muscles that he had, the power he had, he was laid back but fierce at the same time, and he was blunt and sarcastic but empathetic towards others too.
He kicked that man's ass without even breaking a sweat too.
She wonders if his parents know that this is what he does in his spare time also.
The Spider Project
ФанфикPeter Benjamin Parker has been living in his own personal Hell for his whole life. He was born in a prison cell and experimented on by his own father like a lab rat until he was 3. After that, HYDRA gave him to The Red Room, to make the perfect Ass...