6 - First Snow

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November 29th - Short, cute little chapter

Her social life returned to normal. She was grateful for this, of course, but still had contradicting feelings. Because on one hand, she had multiple friends to live out her teenage dreams; on the other hand, she was expecting something, anything really, to go wrong and ruin everything.

The last time she had friends like this, true friends, everything did in fact go horribly wrong. It's how she became just so close with Sage. So, while she learned from the event, she was still worried it would happen again. Her own memories were a problem.

James was a problem, too. Everywhere she went, every thought in her head, there he was. She just couldn't get away from the thought of this boy and it was infuriating. She really did try to be interested in other people; Marlene kept naming eligible bachelors for her to go out with. She even went on a date with one of Atlas' friends, Eliphas Shaw, but she could only think about how it would be so much better with James in front of her.

Nevertheless, she made sure to force herself to trust these people. If she didn't force themselves to trust them, spend time with them, then she wouldn't be spending time with them or trusting them. Sometimes she just had to ignore her own feelings for her own good.

She even helped to plan Sirius' birthday with the other Marauders. And it was a complete success as well; it was an amazing party that went just as they had planned. She could've sworn she saw Sirius leave with someone under his arm. It felt good to see the party go smoothly after everything that happened.

So, now she was gossiping with her friends, studying in the courtyards, throwing food at each other during meals, and skipping class with them. It was nice being with them again. Even Minerva noticed how jovial she had been lately. She was sleeping better, eating more, and always had a smile on her face.

Today was a wonderful day for Aspen, but it started off with an odd dream.

Hills, trees, and bushes as far as the eye could see were completely covered in snow. A river was frozen, and on the top of it was a petite yet vicious looking red fox. It was strolling on top of the few inches of ice, its paws leaving little prints in the snow. It was walking up to a smaller, brown cat that was waving its tail in the cold wind. The two animals greeted each other as if they had been friends for a lifetime.

They pranced through the barren, snow-covered field, leaping in joy. At the other end of the land were 4 figures. The cat and the fox approached cautiously, both growling and showing their teeth. Though they didn't figure out that they approached a black dog with a small mouse on its back, a gorgeous wolf with thick fur, and, at last, a ginormous stag with large antlers. Those animals had a bond that the fox picked up instantly.

The dog and wolf went off on their own, staying close to each other. The mouse jumped into the snow, immediately going to the cat. They began chasing each other. Then the stag carefully approached the fox. It bared its teeth and growled before the stag almost bowed, showing the fox it wasn't a threat.

And when the stag looked up-

Aspen woke up with a start, immediately sitting up. She was breathing heavily as she looked around the room, noticing all the other girls peacefully sleeping. She carefully pulled the cover off of her and left quietly. She walked down the hall slightly until she was in front of a door at the end of the hall. She could hear music playing already.

With a knock on the door, Aspen's favorite person answered the door. "Aspen!" Kathleen Moore, a 7th year, exclaimed as she opened the door, a bottle of lipgloss in her hand. "Oh my goodness, how are you, girl?" She continued as she pulled Aspen into a hug.

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