1 - McGonagall

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September 1st

"Please, mum-" Aspen pleaded once more.

"No, Aspen." Minerva McGonagall tutted from the other side of her classroom. "You will be sharing a dorm. You get no special privileges just because a professor is your mother."

"At least tell me who I'm sharing a dorm with." Aspen suggested from her mothers chair, her legs propped on the desk.

McGonagall rolled up parchment and hit her daughter's legs, Aspen immediately taking her feet down. "Mary MacDonald, Marlene McKinnon, and Lily Evans. They are fellow sixth years. Ms. Evans should be here soon to show you around the tower and the dorms. She is wonderful." 

"And when will she-" Aspen got cut off by a knock on the door.

"You wanted to see me, professor?" Lily asked from the doorway, failing to notice the girl sitting at the professor's desk.

Lily looked quite beautiful, Aspen thought. She was petite, welcoming. Shoulder length, straight, orange hair and freckles dotted on her face. She looked nice, thoughtful, intelligent. She had some kind of badge on her robes, a prefect bag, Aspen recognized. 

"Ah, yes, hello Ms. Evans." The professor smiled and looked towards the girl. "We have a new student in your year and I was hoping you could introduce her to our school." Minerva said and pointed to her daughter.

Lily now looked around the room, finally noticing a girl with brown hair. She was quite beautiful, Lily thought. She smiled a kind, new smile. Her green eyes looking back at the ginger girl with class. She looked thin and athletic, her legs clearly made of muscle. Speaking of, her legs were, once again, propped up on the professor's desk. Lily's eyes opened in shock, seeing as that should be inappropriate behavior.

Aspen smirked and jumped out of the desk, now leaning on the end of it. "Hiya, Lily." She said with a smile, her accent both profound and different. "I'm Aspen, Aspen McGonagall." She added, biting down a laugh at Lily's reaction.

"McGon-" She started, looking at the girl then to her professor with wide eyes. "Lovely to meet you, Aspen." She remembered to smile and hide her shock, catching a big breath.

"Mum," she looked back to Minerva. "Am i free to leave?" Aspen asked with a cheeky smile.

McGonagall sighed. "Of course dear." She said causing Aspen to practically run to Lily. "I expect you to behave!" Minerva added as the two girls walk out of the door.

"I'm guessing I don't need to show you around?" Lily asked with a small laugh.

Aspen smiled and pointed to a painting they were passing. "Behind there leads you to the kitchens. Been plenty of times" Aspen said.

"So, where were you before?" Lily asked, the two now descending down the stairs.

Aspen cleared her throat and corrects her posture. "Beauxbatons Academy of Magic." She said in a flawless french accent. Lily laughed, the question of Aspen's accent being answered. "So where's Mary and Marlene?" She asked.

The two stand outside the great hall now. "I'll show you." She said with a smile.

Aspen took a deep breath before looking at Lily and smiling with confidence. The girls pushed the doors open and eyes fell onto the pair. Dumbledore sent her a smile as he started talking, "I would like to welcome our new student, Aspen." A round of applause filled the room as Aspen waves and smiles. They walked to empty seats at the Gryffindor table, two girls looking at them excitedly.

One of them is blond and tall, confident. The other has brown skin and a small afro with kind eyes and a creative spirit. "Bloody hell, aren't you posh looking." The blond one said, looking Aspen up and down.

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